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-ese n
gen. …人〔语,国,地区〕; …体〔派〕; 用语; 风格; 流派; 文体; …人〔语,国〕的; …体〔派的〕
 English thesaurus
ESE [-i:z] abbr.
abbr., mil., air.def. electronic support enhancement
abbr., nautic. Ensenada, Mexico
ESE [-i:z] abbr.
abbr. Earth Satellite Environment; Environment And Safety Expert; East South East; East-South-East
abbr., avia. east-south east; extra vehicular support equipment
abbr., BrE Engineer Stores Establishment
abbr., commun. Edge Services Extender Shelf (A7xxx family)
abbr., comp.name. Environment Science & Engineering, Inc.
abbr., earth.sc. Earth Systems Education; Environmental Science and Engineering, Inc.; environmental system engineering
abbr., EBRD Early Stage Equity Team
abbr., ed., scient. Engineering Science Elective; Exceptional Student Education
abbr., el. embedded software environment; European software engineering
abbr., el., scient. Electron Spin Echo
abbr., electr.eng. electrical support equipment
abbr., law Ever So Evil
abbr., med. entrance skin exposure (vlad-and-slav); Electrostatic Unit (Ger. Electrostatische Einheit); Evolutionary Stable Energy; Exercise Stress Echocardiography; European Society Of Endodontology
abbr., meteorol. End of Sentence Expressions
abbr., mil., WMD Emergency Support Equipment
abbr., mol.biol. exonic splicing enhancer (Игорь_2006)
abbr., nautic. east-southeast (MichaelBurov); east southeast (MichaelBurov)
abbr., nautic., obs. OSO (MichaelBurov)
abbr., oil expert system environment
abbr., pharma. emulsion-solvent evaporation (method Min$draV)
abbr., progr., IT Extensible Storage Engine
abbr., scient. Earth Science Enterprise
abbr., scottish Electronic Security Environment
abbr., space emergency strike effort; extravehicular support equipment
abbr., st.exch. Esco Electronics Corporation
energ.ind. engineering systems ecology
mil. east-southeast; electronic support equipment; engineering support equipment; environmental simulation equipment; experimental simulation equipment; experimental support equipment
tech. electromagnetic surveillance system