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F [ef] abbr.
gen. F字形; 光圈数; 华氏温度
agric. 生殖力
anim.husb. 氟元素的化学符号; 雌性; 繁殖力因素; ; 自由的; 游离的; 近交系数
econ. 英语的第六个字母
nautic., econ. 捕捞死亡率
°F abbr.
anim.husb. 华氏温度
μF abbr.
el.mach. 微法
f [ef] abbr.
anim.husb. 雌性的; 具有雌性特征的; 母驹; 幼龄母马
F.= N front neck abbr.
textile 前领圈
f.a. abbr.
expl. fire alarm 火警
F.= L. front length abbr.
textile 前长
F.= N.F. flying needle frame abbr.
textile 管针经编机
 English thesaurus
F [ef] abbr.
abbr. February; First; Fiscal; For; Form; Friendly; farad (Vosoni); Fabulous; Fairness; Faithful; Fallacious; Faraday constant; Fellow; Fellowship; Fetus; Fibonacci; filament (Vosoni); Fingerprint; Fireproof; Firm; First Name; fixed light; Flop; Fluor; Flush; Foo; Ford Motor Company; Foreclosure; Forehead; Forgiveness; Forwarding; France; Fraunhofer; Freight; French; Frode number; Fucker; Fujita; geometry correction factor; heat exchanger arrangement factor; peaking factor; radiation configuration factor; Fahrenheit (degree); ferry; fibrous; fillet weld; finishing; fireproofing; fixing bath; flash spotting; flat band metallic armour; flotation; fortnightly; franc; friction; friction loss; fusing point; gravitational constant; skin friction resistance; fuze range; sex factor; Wright inbreeding coefficient
abbr., agric. factor; fat; father; field of vision
abbr., archive. fund (igisheva)
abbr., astr. flaming aurora
abbr., auto. feet; fill
abbr., automat. file
abbr., avia. fahrenheit (degrees); farad; first (class); fixed; degrees Fahrenheit; floor; frictional force; fairing; degree of Fahrenheit; flare; flying; functional; fuselage
abbr., avia., med. fatigue
abbr., biol. phenylalanine
abbr., BrE flying officer
abbr., busin. MRF ((F - сокращенная аббревиатура MRF) ipesochinskaya); fabric standard; farthing; fast; federal; first class; folio; food, fuel and fertilizer; fret; Friday
abbr., cartogr. falls; ferry boat for foot passengers; Flintshire; forest; fort
abbr., chem. fluorine; f partition function
abbr., chem., scient. Frequency
abbr., commer. Fiji Dollar; facture; Fiji
abbr., dril. from
abbr., earth.sc. fall; Famennian; fault; fault lines; feed; feldspar; ferroaugite; ferrogabbro; filtration; finish; flame; flint; flood; florin; flow; foliated; footage; foraminifera; foraminiferal; forging; formal concentration; forsterite; foundation; foyaite; fractured; Frasnian; frontal; Froude number; fusinite; fusulina; longitude factor; magnetomotive force
abbr., econ. first dass
abbr., ed., scient. Faculty; Failure; Fair; False; Final
abbr., el. farad; Fahrenheit scale; final bit; focus; noise factor
abbr., electr.eng. feedback
abbr., file.ext. Compressed file archive (Freeze); Fortran language source code file (fixed form)
abbr., fin. futures
abbr., fishery fishing mortality rate; fishing mortality instantaneous rate
abbr., genet. F; coefficient of inbreeding; inbreeding coefficient
abbr., inet. Four
abbr., insur. Freshwater Load Line (in summer); Froude coefficient; Full load
abbr., interntl.trade. folio reference
abbr., IT Format; feed-back; filter; flip-flop
abbr., lab.eq. Fluorine
abbr., law Female; Fight
abbr., med. A Cell That Donates F Factor In Bacterial Conjugation; A Conjugative Plasmid In F+ Bacterial Cells; Fetal; Fat; and E fluid and electrolyte; cortisol (Vosoni); female; faraday (constant); fertility (factor); field (of vision); fractional (concentration); free (energy); factor of blood coagulation; fascia; Filaria; filling; flux luminous; fontanelle; fossa; formality
abbr., med., conv.notation. test of significance; variance ratio
abbr., med., lat. fiat
abbr., met. flux; final-solidifying end
abbr., meteorol. force of a tornado (used in Fujita scale from F0 to F5 Val_Ships)
abbr., mil. Farad; flare patterns
abbr., mus. noise figure (or factor); frequency tracker; safety factor
abbr., nautic. Fresh Water (пресная вода (отметка на борту судна) Yuriy83)
abbr., numism. Fine
abbr., O&G, sakh. financing; formation factor
abbr., oil center of floatation; face; face discharge ports; face value; flowing; force (mechanical); formation resistivity factor; number of degrees of freedom; thermal-expansion factor; torque factor; face width; fan; fault (line); ferromagnetic; filtrate; firth; flap; floating; flocculant; fluorite; follower; foraminiferal; forecastle; free energy; freshwater; freshwater line; frictional (loss); full load displacement; furlong; fusibility; light flux; magnetic vector potential
abbr., phys. flux, luminous (light flux); Fraunhofer line in the blue of the solar spectrum
abbr., physiol., med. Front
abbr., polym. force; factor of safety; film; fuel
abbr., post Firm presort one corporation - blue label - periodicals only per DMM M020 section 1.3
abbr., refrig. Freon
abbr., relig. Faith
abbr., scottish Civil aircraft marking (France); fahrenheit (temperature); Foxtrot (phonetic alphabet); Time zone 82.5 E - 97.5 E (GMT -6)
abbr., soil. faint
abbr., sport. Fantasy; Fitness; Football
abbr., stat. FAO estimate
abbr., telecom. flash button; frame
abbr., transp. Flat; Forward; Full
abbr., water.suppl. F 2 Variance sigma squared; F Standard Deviation σ
energ.ind., abbr. femto; field; filter; geometry correction factor; heat exchanger arrangement factor; peaking factor; radiation configuration factor
invest. finance; financial
meteorol., abbr. fixed light; fog
mil. fighter; failure; false; field; final target; fire; flag; flash; flat; fleet; flight; fluid; forward; fragmentation; front; function; fuze
mil., avia. fixed
tech. failed; femto; fiber; fillet; flat welding position; fog; foreground; formed; frequency in wind; photoreconnaissance
TV fuse
TV, abbr. fuse
F. abbr.
abbr. Federal Reporter; fine; folio; forged; forging
abbr., agric. test of significance
abbr., chem. fugacity
abbr., earth.sc. filter; from; full; risibility; magnetic field
abbr., econ. French; Fahrenheit; February; florin; following; Friday
abbr., lat. Fecit ("did"); Feliciter ("happily"); Filius ("son"); Frater (Frere, "brother")
abbr., libr. foolscap; France
abbr., mining. degree Fahrenheit; factor of safety; frequency meter; fuse (fuze)
abbr., phys. farad
abbr., winemak. fine (хорошего качества (обозначение на этикетках) baletnica)
wood. cross cut saws for billets and laths
°F abbr.
abbr. degree of Fahrenheit
abbr., tech. degree Fahrenheit; degrees Fahrenheit; Fahrenheit
F/ abbr.
abbr., oil flowing; flowed; fractured with; from (andrushin)
abbr. folio
abbr., avia. Fahrenheit
μμF abbr.
abbr., med. micromicrofarad; picofarad
abbr., oil degrees Fahrenheit
F+ abbr.
abbr. F-positive
°F. abbr.
abbr. Fahrenheit
μF abbr.
abbr. microfarad
abbr. lacking an autonomou sex factor
М.F. abbr.
abbr., libr. Machine finished
F+ abbr.
abbr., med. A Bacterial Cell Having An F Plasmid
°F. abbr.
tech. faraday
F- abbr.
abbr., med. A Bacterial Cell Lacking An F Plasmid
f [ef] abbr.
gen. forte
abbr. femto-; foot-note; activity coefficient for molar concentration; Fanning friction factor; fathom; feedback; feminine; fermi; following; formula; friction coefficient; partition function; relative humidity
abbr., adv. f stop
abbr., auto. field terminal; flywheel; Font; function key
abbr., chem. coefficient of activity; molar concentration
abbr., earth.sc. frequency meter
abbr., el. foundry
abbr., med. female; femto-; respiratory frequency; falsification; felon; figure; filial; flexed tale; foramen; forked; fostered; frequency of breathing; frequent
abbr., med., lat. filius
abbr., O&G degree Fahrenheit (Johnny Bravo)
abbr., oil foot (feet); force frequency; magnetic field
abbr., phys. fors
abbr., tech. finger
biol. family; fission; flower
cartogr. ford; fordable
O&G degree Fahrenheit (Johnny Bravo); coefficient of friction; fanning friction factor (dimensionless); flash separation; fraction; fracture; fugacity; oil per day
opt. focal length
phys. frequency
polym. fine; fluid ounce; foot; formation; free
f. abbr.
abbr. fathom; finger; finish; first; fixed; focal; fog; and following (Vosoni); feet (Vosoni); followed; foot; force; frequency; fuel
abbr., avia. fuselage
abbr., commer. full load; guilder Florin
abbr., earth.sc. family; fission; fluid ounce; form; formula; function; furlong
abbr., econ. franc; farthing; fair; face value; fiscal year
abbr., libr. foot-notes; fortnightly; founded
abbr., mech.eng. flap
mining. face
textile flakes; fluid
θf abbr.
abbr. freezing temperature
f- abbr.
abbr. Filament Negative
μμf abbr.
abbr. micro-microfarad
F+ [ef] abbr.
abbr. bearing an autonomous sex factor
fx [ef] abbr.
abbr., math. function of x
f /# [ef] abbr.
opt. f-number
F.2d abbr.
USA Federal Reporter, Second Series
: 877 phrases in 80 subjects
Air defense8
Animal husbandry51
Artificial intelligence7
Desert science7
Earth sciences6
Electric machinery3
Explosives and Explosive Ordnance Disposal8
Food industry1
Hydroelectric power stations5
Information technology3
International Monetary Fund6
International trade51
Life sciences3
Molecular genetics4
Name of organization1
Oil / petroleum5
Oil processing plants2
Pest control2
Project management1
Pulp and paper industry2
Racing and motorsport11
Rail transport2
Remote sensing2
Reproductive biology10
Selective breeding1
Steel production3
Textile industry10
United States2
Wind Energy1
Wood processing2