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noun | verb | adjective | to phrases
throttle ['θrɔtl] n
comp., MS omezovač (A Microsoft SQL Server tool designed to limit the performance of an instance of the database engine any time more than eight operations are active at the same time)
construct. škrticí klapka (valve)
tech. škrticí klapka; škrticí ventil
throttling v
comp., MS omezování (A method of preventing a denial of service attack by limiting the number of requests that can be made to a system)
throttle ['θrɔtl] adj.
comp., MS regulátor (A process that restricts the flow of data)
 English thesaurus
throttle ['θrɔtl] abbr.
abbr., tech. throt
throttle: 6 phrases in 5 subjects
Mechanic engineering1