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talon ['tælən] adj.
anat. spár; dráp; pařát; pazour
archit. lesbická laloška; lesbické kyma; sima (ukončující římsový článek)
 English thesaurus
TALON ['tælən] abbr.
abbr. Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, And New Mexico
abbr., dentist. thermoplastic polymer TALON (MichaelBurov)
abbr., mil. TACSIM Analysis and Operations Node; Theater Application Launch On Notice; Threat And Local Observation Notice; Threat and Local Observation Notice
abbr., mil., avia. Technology for Affordable Low NOx
abbr., monk. Texas Area Lightning Owners North
abbr., scottish Theatre Applications-Launch On Notice
abbr., sport. Teaching Athletes Leadership Opportunities Now
mil. Theater Applicatiaon-Launch on Notice
: 4 phrases in 1 subject