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sub | point
agric. špička; zobáček; článek
astr. bod
comp., MS přesunout ukazatel; posunout ukazatel
environ. bod
tech. radlička; špice
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

noun | abbreviation | to phrases
 English thesaurus
SUB [seb] abbr.
abbr. Subject; Supplemental Unemployment Benefits; submerged
abbr., auto. subordinate
abbr., avia. Surabaya, Indonesia; subcontractor
abbr., BrE sub-lieutenant
abbr., commun. sub-addressing
abbr., ed. Substitute Teacher
abbr., ed., scient. Student Union Board; Student Union Building
abbr., el. subscriber; subscriber service subsystem; substitution (character); substrate; subtractor
abbr., energ.ind. substation (Yakov)
abbr., file.ext. Subroutine
abbr., IT Rational Rose Component package; Sit Up and Beg; Substitute (ASCII character); Subtract
abbr., law Stick Up Boys
abbr., logging Solid Under Bark (Andy)
abbr., pulp.n.paper Solid Unbleached Board (Yuriy83)
abbr., sport. Sports Utility Backpack
abbr., st.exch. Summit Bancorp
abbr., telecom. subaddressing
abbr., transp. Sports Utility Bass
O&G auxiliary output terminal
tech. substitute character; subtraction
sub [sʌb] n
gen. subito; subliminal (lexicographer)
abbr. subaltern; submachinegun; submarine; subscribe; subscript; suburban
abbr., adv. sub-editor
abbr., busin. suburb; subway
abbr., med. sublimation; sublime; subsistence
abbr., oil sb; subsidary; substance
IT substitution; subtract
mil. submachine gun
O&G subassembly; substructure
snd.rec. subwoofer (Oleg Sollogub)
sport. substitute
sub. abbr.
abbr. submarine; substitute; subtraction; subject (Vosoni); subscription
abbr., chem. substitution
abbr., earth.sc. sublimation
abbr., libr. suburban
SUBS abbr.
abbr. Streamlined Underwater Bouyancy System
abbr., mil. Streamlined Underwater Buoyancy System; Submarines; Submerges
Nasdaq Miami Subs Corporation
rude Stop ur Bull shit
subs abbr.
abbr. subscription; subsistence
polym. subsidiary
Sub. abbr.
abbr. subway
Subs abbr.
abbr. subcontractors (pipa1984)
sub- n
insur. Subject to
SUB [seb] abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. simply upper bounded type
abbr., interntl.trade. supplemental unemployment benefit
sub [seb] abbr.
cook. submarine sandwich (Taras)
: 50 phrases in 15 subjects
Earth sciences1
Human rights activism4
Immigration and citizenship2
Life sciences1