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life cycle ['laɪf'saɪk(ə)l]
commer. životní cyklus
comp., MS životní cyklus (The phases a solution goes through from the time it is conceived until the time it is retired from service)
life cycling
fin., insur., sociol. strategie týkající se životního cyklu
life cycle The phases, changes, or stages through which an organism passes throughout its lifetime ['laɪf'saɪk(ə)l]
environ. cyklus životní
 English thesaurus
life cycle ['laɪf'saɪk(ə)l]
IT A series of stages that characterize the course of existence of an organizational investment (e.g., product, project, program)
med. The sequence of events required for HIV to replicate. There are seven steps in the HIV life cycle: 1. fusion; 2. reverse transcription; 3. integration; 4. transcription; 5. translation; 6. budding; 7. maturation.
mil., logist. For an item of equipment, time elapsing between its fielding when new and its elimination of service or destruction. (FRA)
USA The total phases through which an item passes from the time it is initially developed until the time it is either consumed in use or disposed of as being excess to all known materiel requirements. (JP 4-02)
life cycle
: 21 phrases in 3 subjects