
Google | Forvo | +
account. ocenění
agric. bonitace
comp., MS posouzení
econ. ověřování znalostí
of | safety
comp., MS Zabezpečení
agric. ochranný; bezpečnostní
environ. bezpečnost
significant | event
automat. uzel
| team
comp., MS tým
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

to phrases
assessment [ə'sesmənt] n
account. ocenění
agric. bonitace
comp., MS posouzení (Collection of binaries, scripts, configuration parameters, and manifest files used to perform measurements on a computer or Windows image and to report results)
econ. ověřování znalostí
environ. vyhodnocení
 English thesaurus
assessment [ə'sesmənt] abbr.
abbr., progr. process assessment (ssn)
IT A broad review of the different aspects of a company or function that includes elements not covered by a structured assurance initiative (May include opportunities for reducing the costs of poor quality, employee perceptions on quality aspects, proposals to senior management on policy, goals, etc.)
law Additional charges added to a case
law, abbr. assmt
mil., abbr. as; asmt; asst; ast
USA A continuous process that measures the overall effectiveness of employing joint force capabilities during military operations; Determination of the progress toward accomplishing a task, creating a condition, or achieving an objective; Analysis of the security, effectiveness, and potential of an existing or planned intelligence activity; Judgment of the motives, qualifications, and characteristics of present or prospective employees or "agents." (JP 3-0)
Assessment [ə'sesmənt] abbr.
abbr., med. A (Ying)
assessment of
: 22 phrases in 10 subjects
Criminal law2
Health care1