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area of operations
gen. místo působení; operační prostor
 English thesaurus
area of operations
mil., logist. A geographical area, usually defined by lateral, forward, and rear boundaries assigned to a commander, by a higher commander, in which he has responsibility and the authority to conduct military operations. That portion of an area necessary for military operations and for the administration of such operations; NATO An operational area defined by a joint commander for land or maritime forces to conduct military activities. Normally, an area of operations does not encompass the entire joint operations area of the joint commander, but is sufficient in size for the joint force component commander to accomplish assigned missions and protect forces. (FRA)
USA An operational area defined by the joint force commander for land and maritime forces that should be large enough to accomplish their missions and protect their forces (JP 3-0) see also area of responsibility, joint operations area, joint special operations area
Area of Operation
abbr., scottish AO