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VAT [væt] n
comp., MS DPH (A tax on products at each stage of their production based on the value added during that stage)
econ. daň z přidané hodnoty
vat [væt] n
agric. koupel; vana; lázeň; káď; džber; soudek; koryto; žlab
abbr., econ. nádržka; nádrž; kád
 English thesaurus
Vₐₜ abbr.
abbr., avia. target threshold speed
VAT [væt] abbr.
abbr. variable-tail allocation table; Values Action Team; UDF Virtual Allocation Table (UDF, CD-R)
abbr., auto. vane air temperature sensor; variable area turbocharger; vehicle anti theft; voltage amperage tester
abbr., avia. visual audio tool; VRM AMCS Link Tool; target threshold speed; Vatomandry, Madagascar
abbr., cables value-added tax
abbr., econ. Video Audio Teleconference
abbr., ed. Valued Added Tax
abbr., el. video-audio tuner; virtual address table; virtual address translation; virtual address translator; volume attribute table
abbr., IT Variable Allocation Table
abbr., Makarov. vinyl-asbestos tile
abbr., med. vestibular autorotation test (doc090); Virtual Anaesthesia Textbook; ventricular activation time (harser)
abbr., media. Video Audio Text
abbr., nano vibrationally-assisted tunneling
abbr., oil variable atmosphere tank; Vatican
abbr., physiol., med. Visceral Adipose Tissue; Very Acute Tip
abbr., police Value Added Tax
abbr., progr., IT Value Added Tool
abbr., scottish Vehicule Atelier (France)
abbr., space vernier autotrack; vernier axial thruster; vibro-acoustic test
abbr., tradem. Vertical Aviation Technologies, Inc.
energ.ind., abbr. volume atmospheric tank
invest. value added tax
mil. visual acquisition technique
mil., abbr. vulnerability analysis team
physiol., abbr. visceral adipose tissue
tech., abbr. voltage amplifier tube
Vat. abbr.
abbr. Vatican
geogr. Vatican City (Vosoni)
lat. Vaticanus ("Vatican")
: 41 phrases in 8 subjects