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agric. příkaz; nařízení; pořadí; sled; následnost; posloupnost
astr. rozkaz
biol. řád
comp., MS objednávka
| Points
zoot. exteriérové znaky pl
| To
forestr. klížit
Identify the Clustering | Structure
comp., MS struktura
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

to phrases
order ['ɔ:də] v
agric. příkaz; nařízení; pořadí; sled; následnost; posloupnost; pořádek; způsob; rozvrh; zřízení; návod; směrnice; pokyn
archit. sloh (architektonický); sloupový řád
astr. rozkaz
automat. počítačová instrukce
biol. řád
comp., MS objednávka (A confirmed request for delivery of goods and services based on specified terms. An order is a quote that has been accepted by a customer)
econ. objednávka
math. uspořádání; exponentová část
order 1. A direction or command of a court. In this sense it is often used synonymously with judgment. 2. The document bearing the seal of the court recording its judgment in a case ['ɔ:də] v
environ. nařízení
 English thesaurus
order ['ɔ:də] abbr.
abbr., met. ord.
abbr., mil., nautic. or; ord; odr
mil., logist. Oral or written expression of the commander's decision, giving precise instructions which can be implemented, generally at short notice and within clearly defined conditions. 2. A communication, written, oral, or by signal, which conveys instructions from a superior to a subordinate. (UKR/NATO)
ORDER ['ɔ:də] abbr.
abbr., oil omnidirectional digital radar
Order ['ɔ:də] v
law, abbr. O.
Ordering Points: 1 phrase in 1 subject