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astr. nova; nová hvězda

to phrases
nova ['nəʊvə] n
astr. nova; nová hvězda (nova)
 English thesaurus
NOVA ['nəʊvə] abbr.
abbr. Nasa Opportunities For Visionary Academics; Nerds Of Various Ages; Northern Virginia; NovaMed Eyecare, Inc.
abbr., el. nonoverlapping super self-aligned structure; non-overlapping super-self-alignment
abbr., med. Nurses Organization Of Veterans Affairs
abbr., mil. Nasty Old Vikings Association; Networked Open Versatile Architecture
abbr., phys., scient. NuMI Off-Axis Ve Appearance
nova ['nəʊvə] n
gen. Notification of Vehicle Arrival (Johnny Bravo)
NOVA: 18 phrases in 1 subject