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Multilateral Agreement
 multilateral agreement
econ. mnohostranná dohoda
between the | European Community
 European Communities
econ. Evropská společenství
environ. Evropská společenství
| and
comp., MS A
its Member States the | Republic of Albania
 Republic of Albania
gen. Albánie
| Bosnia and Herzegovina
 Bosnia and Herzegovina
econ. Bosna a Hercegovina
the | Republic of Bulgaria
 Republic of Bulgaria
geogr. Bulharsko
the | Republic of Croatia
 Republic of Croatia
geogr. Chorvatská republika
the | former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
 Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
econ. Bývalá jugoslávská republika Makedonie
the | Republic of Iceland
 Republic of Iceland
geogr. Islandská republika
the | Republic
econ. republika
of | Montenegro
econ. Černá Hora
the | Kingdom of Norway
 Kingdom of Norway
geogr. Norské království
| Romania
econ. Rumunsko
the | Republic of Serbia
 Republic of Serbia
geogr. Republika Srbsko
| and
astr. plus
the | United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo
 United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo
UN Prozatímní správní mise Organizace spojených národů v Kosovu
on the | establishment
econ. závod
of a | European Common Aviation Area
 European Common Aviation Area
transp. avia. společný evropský letecký prostor

to phrases
multilateral agreement Multilateralism stands for a long-held but rarely achieved ideal, namely the voluntary co-operation of nations for peace and development. Multilateral initiatives are undermined or diluted by ultra-nationalist, bilateral and regional initiatives. Multilateralism may be undercut by the uncoordinated decisions of those contributing to it. Multilateralism constitutes the democracy of international society. An enlightened multilateralism enhances the specific interests of states while advancing their common cause
environ. dohoda multilaterální
multilateral agreement
econ. mnohostranná dohoda
Multilateral Agreement: 3 phrases in 2 subjects