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abbreviation | noun
EFS abbr.
comp., MS systém souborů EFS (A Microsoft file-based encryption technology that enables users to encrypt files and folders on NTFS volumes. EFS helps protect the confidentiality of data by ensuring that only authorized users can decrypt the encrypted files or folders)
 English thesaurus
EF [ef] abbr.
abbr. Eagle Forum; economic forecasting; each face
abbr., automat. exposure factor; extended facility
abbr., avia. effective efficiency factor; equipment function; existing faults (CMC); expansion fitting; external flaps; Far Eastern Air Transport
abbr., cables BEF (MichaelBurov); entrance facility BEF (MichaelBurov); entrance facility (MichaelBurov); building entrance facility (MichaelBurov); entrance facility, building entrance facility (MichaelBurov)
abbr., comp., net., IT External File
abbr., ed. Education First
abbr., el. earlier failure; electrical field; electro-fluorescence; electronic flashtube; electronic fuze; elementary file; element function; emergency facility; empty field; envelope follower; error function; expedited forwarding; extended format; external fault; external flag; external floods; extra fine
abbr., el., scient. Emission Factors
abbr., electr.eng. energized facility; enhancement factor
abbr., environ. Emission Factor; environmental footprint
abbr., food.ind. Emergency Food
abbr., IT Eject Fix; emitter follower
abbr., manag. early finish
abbr., med. eosinophilic folliculitis; elongation factor (in protein synthesis); ejection fraction (Vosoni); ectopic focus; elastic fibril; emotional factor; encephalitogenic factor; equivalent focus; erythroblastosis fetalis; erythrocytic fragmentation; esophagofibroscope; extrinsic factor
abbr., met. electric furnace (Inchionette)
abbr., mil., avia. ECM fighter
abbr., mil., WMD Expected fatalities
abbr., numism. Extremely Fine
abbr., O&G, sakh. electrofounding; exhaust fan; electrofusion
abbr., phys., scient. Easy Flow
abbr., physiol., med. Ejection Fraction
abbr., polym. English finish; extrusion forming
abbr., qual.cont. early failure
abbr., scottish Extraction Force
abbr., semicond. Fermi energy
abbr., sport. Enjoyment Factor
abbr., st.exch. Europe Fund, Inc.
abbr., transp. Euro Flight
abbr., zool. ejaculation frequency (экспериментальный показатель половой активности животного Min$draV)
energ.ind., abbr. emissivity factor; engineering foundation; enrichment factor; extended furnace; extension furnace; external flooding
mil., abbr. effective fire; efficiency factor; elevation finder; emergency facilities; end of fallout; enemy fire; experimental flight
tech., abbr. emergency fuel; epitaxial film; equipment failure; equivalent focal length; error flow; evaporated film; extremal flows method
Ef [ef] abbr.
abbr. efficiency; filament voltage
EFS abbr.
abbr. Effective Financing Statement; Electronic Fund Systems; Eat Fuck Sleep; End of Frame Sequence (LAN); Proper Name of System
abbr., auto. electronic frontal sensor
abbr., avia. Electronic Flight Strip (Interex); Extended Flight Store (Interex); electronic flight data strip; electronic flight strip; effective flight strength; electrochemical fatigue sensor
abbr., busin. elementary feasibility study
abbr., commun. error-free seconds
abbr., comp., net. Error Free Seconds
abbr., earth.sc. Earth Fixed System; Ebert-Fastie Spectrometer
abbr., el. efficient filtration system; electric field shielding; enciphered file system; event fast scanner; excess flow switch; extended function store
abbr., file.ext. Flowchart (EasyFlow)
abbr., fin. exchanges of futures for swaps
abbr., inet. Email File Service
abbr., IT Flowchart
abbr., Makarov. electronic frequency selection
abbr., meteorol. European Federation Of Sexology; Établissement Français Du Sang; electrical field stimulation (Игорь_2006); electric field stimulation (Rada0414)
abbr., mil. Elite Firing Squad
abbr., mil., WMD Electronic Filing System
abbr., oil effective flow stream; equivalent fillet standard; exchange of futures for swaps; extensive flooding surface
abbr., oncol., med. Event Free Survival - time from diagnosis to defined events
abbr., opt. extrafield sensitivity
abbr., progr. external file service (ssn)
abbr., pwr.lines. error-free second
abbr., scottish Enhanced Flight Screener (USAF); Enhanced Flight Screener / Screening; Explosionsunter-druckungssystem (Explosion suppression system (Austria))
abbr., sec.sys., IT Encrypting File System
abbr., securit. Exchange of Futures of Swap
abbr., space earth-fixed system; experimental firing ship
abbr., st.exch. Enhance Financial Services Group, Inc.
abbr., textile Engineered Fiber Selection
comp. error free second
comp., abbr. error free second
energ.ind. emergency feedwater system; emergency filtration system
mil. electronic firing switches
mil., abbr. electronic firing switches
tech. electric field strength; emergency feed water system
%EFS abbr.
abbr., el. percent error-free second