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stakeholder ['steɪkˌhǝʊldǝ(r)] n
comp., MS заинтересовано лице (An individual or organization that is actively involved in a project, or whose interests may be positively or negatively affected as a result of project execution or project completion)
econ., commun. заинтересована страна; заинтересовано лице
stakeholders n
law заинтересовани лица (алешаBG)
 English thesaurus
stakeholder ['steɪkˌhǝʊldǝ(r)] n
IT Anyone who has a responsibility for, an expectation from or some other interest in the enterprise. (Examples: shareholders, users, government, suppliers, customers and the public)
USA In public affairs, an individual or group that is directly impacted by military operations, actions, and/or outcomes, and whose interests positively or negatively motivate them toward action (JP 3-61)
stakeholder ['steɪkˌhǝʊldǝ(r)] abbr.
abbr., insur. influencer (4uzhoj)
stakeholder: 4 phrases in 3 subjects