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radius ['reɪdɪəs] adj.
anat. лъчева кост
construct. радиус
 English thesaurus
radius ['reɪdɪəs] abbr.
abbr., polym. rad.
mil., abbr. rad
RADIUS ['reɪdɪəs] abbr.
abbr. Research And Development In The United States; Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RFC 2865)
abbr., commun. Remote Authentication Dial-In User Server
abbr., comp., net. Remote Access Dial-In User Services; Remote Authentication Dial In User Service
abbr., comp., net., IT Remote Authentication Dial In User Services
abbr., el. remote authentication dial-in user service (protocol); remote access dial-in user service
abbr., IT remote authentication dial-in user service (Bricker)
abbr., mil. Remote Authentication dial In User Service
: 25 phrases in 3 subjects