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comp., MS Data Encryption Standard, DES (An encryption algorithm that uses a 56-bit key and maps a 64-bit input block to a 64-bit output block. The key appears to be a 64-bit key, but one bit in each of the eight bytes is used for odd parity, resulting in 56 bits of usable key)
 English thesaurus
DESS abbr.
abbr. Digitally Encoded Security System; Defense Exploitation Support System; digital electronic switching system
abbr., el. differential equation solving system
abbr., scient. Diplôme d'Enseignement Supérieur Spécialisé
Des. abbr.
abbr. destroyer
abbr., earth.sc. desert
Des abbr.
abbr., oil desalter; desiccant
dess. abbr.
abbr. dessiatine
dess abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. dessiatine
DES abbr.
abbr. data encryption standards; dynamic embedded system; diethylsulfide
abbr., avia. Douglas equipment specification
abbr., busin. density; desert; designate; desire; desired; despatch
abbr., earth.sc. dynamic environmental simulator
abbr., ed. Doctorate Extension Scheme (Johnny Bravo)
abbr., O&G, casp. department of emergency situation (Yeldar Azanbayev); DiEthyl Sulphide (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., oil derrick-equipment set; diagnostic expert system; diethyl sebacate; dipole electrical sounding; division engineering standards; doctor of engineering science; drilling expert system
abbr., pharm. diethylstiboesterol
abbr., progr. data element specification (ssn)
abbr., space destination
abbr., tech. delivered ex ship-named port of destination
oil, abbr. di2-ethylhexylsebacate
des abbr.
abbr. deserter; desertion; design; designation; designator; destroyer
abbr., earth.sc. desorb
O&G desiccation
des. abbr.
abbr. designator; desired
abbr., chem. desmotrope; desmotropic
.des abbr.
file.ext. Description (file name extension)
DES abbr.
abbr. Delivered Ex Ship; Dewar Elementary School; Data Enhancement Software; Demented Electronic Shit; Department of Education and Science; Department of Emergency Services; Destination End System; Digital Exploitation System; Direct Easy System; digital expansion system
abbr., auto. defroster; defroster signal; dual engine stabilizer
abbr., avia. descent to; data entry sets; descend; detail equipment specification; development and evaluation system; digital equipment simulator; drill entrance side; drill exit side
abbr., BrE Director of Educational Services; Director of Engineering Stores; Directorate of Educational Services; Directorate of Evaluation and Standardization
abbr., busin. Discretionary Expenditure and Savings (Шакиров)
abbr., Canada Diploma of secondary studies (Yanick)
abbr., chem. diethyl succinate (Elmitera)
abbr., chem., scient. Di Ethyl Stilbestrol
abbr., commun. Data Encription Standard; Date Encription Standard
abbr., comp., net. Data Exchange System; Destination End Station; Digital Encryption Standard
abbr., drug.name Diethylstilbestrol
abbr., econ., logist. delivered ex ship (named port of destination)
abbr., ed. Division for Exceptional Students
abbr., el. data elementary stream; de-excitation spectroscopy; defect evaluation system; diethylsilane; differential echo suppressor; digital echo suppressor; dynamic-sound expand system
abbr., el., scient. Develop Etch Strip
abbr., file.ext. Data Entry Sheet
abbr., food.serv. dietary energy supply
abbr., genet. diethylsulphate
abbr., IT Data Evaluation System; Description; Data Digital Encryption Standard; data digital encryption standard; Data Entry System
abbr., math., scient. Discrete Event Simulation
abbr., med. Dansk Endokrinologisk Selskab. Danish Endocrine Society; Dermal-epidermal Separation; Dialysis Encephalopathy Syndrome; Disequilibrium Syndrome; Drug Eluting Stent; drug-eluting stent (MichaelBurov); dry eye syndrome (Игорь_2006); diethylstilboestrol
abbr., mil. Data Encryption Standard; Dental Equipment Set; Display Equipment Status; Defence Equipment and Support (qwarty)
abbr., mil., avia. DAMA earth station
abbr., nautic., scient. Division of Earth Sciences; Division of Environmental Sciences
abbr., O&G drilling equipment set (masizonenko)
abbr., oil derrick equipment set; dipole equatorial sounding
abbr., org.chem. deep eutectic solvent (MichaelBurov)
abbr., org.name. Development of Epidemiological and Health Statistical Services
abbr., physiol. Dermal-Epidermal Separation; Dry Eye Syndrome
abbr., physiol., med. Describe; Diethylstibestrol
abbr., scottish Defence Engineering Service; Design Environmental Simulator; Dismounted Extension Switch; Distributed Energy Storage
abbr., sec.sys., IT Data Encryption System
abbr., st.exch. Desc S. A. de C. V.
abbr., stat. data entry system
abbr., telegr. data switching exchange
abbr., tradem. Duke Engineering & Services, Inc.
abbr., winemak. dessert (десертное (вино) baletnica)
agric. Desoxycholate
energ.ind. diversified energy supply
genet. diethylstilbestrol (dimock)
int.transport. Delivered ex ship (Incoterms)
meteorol. descend to...; descending to...; descent
mil. defense effective system; dispersed emergency station; dynamic environment simulator
tech. data engineering section; designer; diethyl sulfate; differential equation solver; digital exchange system; double-ended slot; draft environmental statement; dry etching system; dual exciter system; dynamic electro speaker
Des. abbr.
abbr. design
Des abbr.
fishery NAFO Scientific Council Designated Experts (bimba)
: 19 phrases in 15 subjects
Immigration and citizenship3
International trade1
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation1
Sound recording1
Vacuum tubes1