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comp., MS SPW
| method
agric. odbiór; zabieg; przyjęcie; chwyt; droga
chem. metoda; sposób

to phrases
PEF abbr.
comp., MS SPW (The maximum volume of air exhaled during a forced expiration starting with the lungs fully inflated)
 English thesaurus
PEF abbr.
abbr. Pooled Emergency Fund; Process Engineered Fuel; Public Enterprise Fund; Preferred Executable Format (CFM, Apple); polyethylene foamed
abbr., avia. pylon extension fairing; production engineering forecast
abbr., comp., net., IT Platform Event Filtering
abbr., earth.sc. Pakistan Exploration Fund; primary effluent filtration
abbr., ed. Perpetual Education Fund
abbr., el. phase encoded format; plasma electron flood; potential energy function; public elementary file; pulse elimination filter
abbr., el., scient. Pulse Electric Field
abbr., invest. private equity fund (shpak_07)
abbr., IT Preferred Executable File
abbr., med. Pulmonary Edema Fluid; peak expiratory flow; patient encounter form; peak expiratory flow.
abbr., mil., avia. phase encoded format
abbr., mil., WMD process engineering facility
abbr., oil process engineering flow scheme; photoelectric factor; polyethylene foam; prediction error filter
abbr., phys. Pulsed Electric Field (Импульсное электрическое поле baletnica)
abbr., physiol., med. Peak Expiratory Flow
abbr., relig. Presbyterian Evangelistic Fellowship
abbr., sec.sys., IT Password Encrypted Format; Plain English Firewall
abbr., space polyester fiber; polyester film; polyester foam; pulse eliminating filter
abbr., st.exch. Standard & Poors 500 Protected Equity Fund
abbr., textile polyethylene fiber
mil. proposal evaluation form
tech. potential enforcement finding; prediction-error filter
PEF: 1 phrase in 1 subject