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spin [spɪn] n
gen. snìomh (Yerkwantai); snìomh
 English thesaurus
spin [spɪn] n
transp. spin
SPIN [spɪn] abbr.
abbr. Situation Problem Implication And Need; Special Parent Information Network; Special Pet In Need; Sponsored Programs Information Network; Supply Partner Information Network; Supporting People In Need; Selected Physics Information Notice; Societa per Imprese Nucleare, SpA
abbr., acoust. speech perception in noise
abbr., astronaut. space inspection
abbr., avia. searchable physics information notes
abbr., comp. Speech Interface (Vosoni)
abbr., ed. Serving People In Natomas
abbr., el. self-aligned, poly-interconnected n-channel process; Intergovernmental Conference on Strategies and Policies in Informatics; self-aligned polysilicon interconnect n-channel (process); standard precision inertial navigation
abbr., electr.eng. stored-power inductor
abbr., fant./sci-fi. Senate Planetary Intelligence Network
abbr., inet. Service Provider Information Network
abbr., IT Service Provider Identification Number
abbr., media. Strategic Press Information Network; Strategic Progressive Information Network
abbr., mil. Special Instructions
abbr., nucl.pow. minor actinides burnup program (MichaelBurov); SPIN program (MichaelBurov); SPIN programme (MichaelBurov); minor actinides burn-up program (MichaelBurov)
abbr., oil sticking pipe indicator log
abbr., police Special Investigations
abbr., progr., IT Software Process Improvement Network
abbr., psychol. social phobia inventory (.ehnne)
abbr., sec.sys., IT Secure Personal Identification Number
abbr., sport. Safe Pedaling In Nevada
mil. Space Intelligence Notes; space intercept; standard procedure instruction
tech. self-aligned, polysilicon interconnect N-channel process
SPIN [spɪn] abbr.
abbr., IT searchable physics information notices
abbr., oil sticking pipe indicator
abbr., sport. Sports Information
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