
   English Scottish Gaelic
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gen. cruinn-eòlasach
| area
gen. ceàrnaidh; sgìre
| where
gen. càit; càite
| the
gen. na; an
| assets
gen. so-mhaoin
| necessary
gen. deatamach
| to
gen. ris
| perform
gen. coilean
a | task
gen. ghnìomh
of a | functional
math. fuincseanach
| component
gen. co-phàirt
of a logistic domain | are
gen. tha
| deployed
gen. cleachd
| It
gen. e
| is
gen. tha
| usually
gen. mar as trice
part of a | sector
gen. roinn
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

geographic [ˌdʒiːə'græfɪk] adj.
gen. cruinn-eòlasach
geographical [ˌdʒiːə'græfɪkl] adj.
gen. cruinn-eòlasach
 English thesaurus
geographic [ˌdʒiːə'græfɪk] abbr.
abbr. geo; geog
geographical [ˌdʒiːə'græfɪkl] abbr.
abbr., oil geog