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noun | verb | adjective | adverb | to phrases
front [frʌnt] n
archit. prednja strana; pročelje; prednji deo stvari; prednji deo predmeta; prednji položaj
comp., MS čeona kamera (A camera on the front of an electronic device (such as a smartphone), which faces the user. This allows the user to video chat with another person also using a front-facing device. It may also be used to take videos and pictures)
cust. prednji deo; fasada; pokriće
fig. smelost; drskost
mil. front; kamuflaža; pročelje (lat. frons)
poetic čelo; lice
tech. prednji red
front [frʌnt] v
gen. ivičiti se; biti nasuprot; odupreti se; gledati; prkositi kome; sresti; suočiti; nalaziti se sučelice
mil. napraviti front; napraviti liniju
front [frʌnt] adj.
gen. prednji
law ćelo; čelni; čeoni
front [frʌnt] adv.
gen. pred; ispred
 English thesaurus
front [frʌnt] n
mil., logist. The lateral space occupied by an element measured from the extremity of one flank to the extremity of the other flank. 2. The direction of the enemy. 3. The line of contact of two opposing forces. 4. When a combat situation does not exist or is not assumed, the direction toward which the command is faced. FRA 5. A major operational/strategic formation of the armed forces usually established at the outset of a war to accomplish operational/strategic missions in a continental theatre of operations. A front accomplishes its missions through front operations in cooperation with other fronts, major formations and tactical formations from the various services of the armed forces taking part in a strategic operation and with the navy, if required. The front is usually composed of between three and nine combined arms armies, one to three tank armies, one or two air armies, several corps and tactical formations and units of various arms or branches and specialized support troops, as well as logistic services units and agencies. 6. A line along which leading elements are deployed; the line of contact in a theatre. 7. The area of operations or the combat zone, as opposed to the rear area. (UKR/NATO)
FRONT [frʌnt] abbr.
abbr., mil., avia. front
front. abbr.
abbr., construct. frontispiece
fronts. abbr.
abbr., libr. frontispiece
: 182 phrases in 19 subjects
Mechanic engineering12
Non-governmental organizations1
Optics branch of physics6
Road traffic2
Road works1
Textile industry2