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verb | adjective | to phrases
defend [dɪ'fend] v
gen. braniti; štititi; čuvati
law objasniti; odbraniti; opravdati; oprostiti; pokriti; sačuvati; zastupati optuženog na sudu; zaštititi (lat. defendere); braniti se (oneself); sam se braniti (oneself)
defending [dɪ'fendɪŋ] v
law u svoju odbranu (oneself); braniti se (oneself)
defended [dɪ'fendɪd] adj.
law bezbedan; branjen; osporen; zaštićen
 English thesaurus
defend [dɪ'fend] v
mil., logist. A combat operation designed to defeat an attacker and prevent him from achieving his objectives. It employs all means and methods available to prevent, resist, or destroy an enemy attack. Forms of defensive operations are area and mobile. Choices of defensive operations are in-depth and forward. The defensive techniques are defend in sector, defend a battle position, and defend a strong point. (FRA)
: 50 phrases in 2 subjects