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assert [ə'sɜ:t] v
gen. dokazivati; braniti; tražiti; zahtevati; izjavljivati; tvrditi
law izjaviti; posvedočiti; zahtevati (lat. assertus; asserere); afirmisati se (oneself); učvrstiti svoj položaj (oneself)
 English thesaurus
ASSERT [ə'sɜ:t] abbr.
abbr. ADEPT Subsystem for Scanning of Electronic Received Traffic (ADEPT, Mil., USA)
abbr., med. A Standard For The Scientific And Ethical Review Of Trials
abbr., mil. Automated SIGINT System for Early Recognition of Targets
abbr., mil., air.def. automated SIGINT system for early recognition of target
abbr., mil., avia. augmentation award for science and engineering research training
: 15 phrases in 1 subject