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abbr. earth.sc. electric charge; Q-correction; quadrate
abbr. econ. query or question
abbr. oil quarter; quartzarenite; quartz; Quaternary; quay
abbr. sport. queen
| q
abbr. sport. queen

noun | abbreviation | to phrases
Q [kju:] abbr.
abbr., avia. pitch rate; torque; transistor
abbr., logist. quantity rate
abbr., med. quartile
abbr., med., conv.notation. exerted fraction; gradient; perfusion
abbr., media. Quantum Channel
abbr., mil., air.def. quadrature
abbr., well.contr. flow rate
q [kju:] abbr.
abbr. mass concentration; centner
abbr., med. quiet
abbr., med., conv.notation. convective heat removal; frequency of the rarer allele of a pair; long arm of a chromosome
Q. abbr.
abbr., lat. Quiescit ("he rests"); Quintus (a common Roman forename)
abbr., libr. quarto; quire
abbr., mining. quarry; quarter; quintal
Qsub_pb [kju:] abbr.
abbr., met. quenched in lead bath
Qsub_w [kju:] abbr.
abbr., met. quenched in water
Qsub_b [kju:] abbr.
abbr., met. quenched in boiling water
Qsub_0 [kju:] abbr.
abbr., met. quenched in oil
q- abbr.
abbr., met. quenching
"Q" abbr.
abbr., psychol. Q-wave (ЭКГ)
Q [kju:] abbr.
abbr. 1018 British thermal units; drone; quadrillion; quantity of light; quarto; Queensland; volume; drone (aircraft); Every two hours; gas flow rate; heat absorption to system; heat added to system; heat flux; Qatar; Quagmire; Quaker; Qualification; Qualification Test; Quantas; Quantile; Quantitative; Quantity (rate classification); Quantizer; Quantum; Quaque (Each or Every); quarantine; Quark; quater (квартал aht); Queasy; Queen; Quest; Questionable; Queue; Quickly; Quirky; Quit; Quite; Quixotic; Quiz; Quota; Quote; Quoted; QWEST Communications International, Inc.; total heat absorption rate of heating surfaces; useful heat supplied by heat pump plant
abbr., auto. quad drive
abbr., automat. query; quotient
abbr., avia., med. cardiac output; transfer function
abbr., biol. glutamine
abbr., BrE quartering
abbr., commer. quetzal
abbr., earth.sc. electric charge (symbol); Q-correction; quadrate; quartz; quartzite; Quebec; Q-value; rational numbers; temperature coefficient; Upper Pleistocene
abbr., econ. query or question
abbr., el. quality factor; cue; quad; quadrature component of signal; quantization
abbr., electric. reactive power
abbr., file.ext. Win95 fax queue
abbr., med. coulomb; volume of blood flow; Cardiac Output
abbr., med., conv.notation. electric quantity (coulomb)
abbr., mil. Quality; Power Dissipation
abbr., nucl.phys. Q response
abbr., oil quarter; quartzarenite; quartzite; Quaternary; quay; 3 Dimensional (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., opt. quality factor (laser resonator)
abbr., phys.chem. quadrupole (в масс-спектроскопии Elmitera)
abbr., polym. quantity; quenched
abbr., scient. Question
abbr., scottish Quebec (phonetic alphabet); Time zone 52.5 W - 67.5 W (GMT +4)
abbr., sport. queen
abbr., tech. factor de calidad
abbr., telecom. Q-factor
abbr., textile fiber
abbr., water.suppl. Volumetric Flow Rate (Venturi Effect)
energ.ind., abbr. gas flow rate; heat absorption to system; heat added to system; heat flux; quality; quality factor; quantity; quenching; total heat absorption rate of heating surfaces; useful heat supplied by heat pump plant
med. ubiquinone
med., abbr. ubiquinone
mil. quadrant; quality; quartermaster
nucl.phys. Q value
tech. batch size; luminous energy; quadrupole moment; quantity of electricity; quantity of heat; quenching; rate of heat transfer; volumetric rate of flow
q [kju:] abbr.
abbr. charge; electric charge; heat flow rate; heat rate; linear heat rate; quart; quarterly; quick; quintal; dynamic pressure; stagnation pressure; quaque - every
abbr., agric. qt
abbr., avia. angular velocity of body-axis system about Y-axis; dynamic head
abbr., busin. quantity demanded or supplied
abbr., math. coefficient of association
abbr., med. every
abbr., med., lat. quisque
biol. quantity
spectr. quartet (сокращение, принятое при характеристике спектра ЯМР (иногда используется сокращение "qt"). В отечественной практике функционирует аналогичное сокращение - "к" (квадруплет), иногда используется сокращение "кв" Min$draV)
Q. abbr.
abbr. quintal (kintal); quintals (kintals); quarters; quarts
abbr., earth.sc. quantity
q. abbr.
abbr. heat; quarter (Vosoni); quasi; question (Vosoni)
abbr., earth.sc. quantity per unit time; quarterly
insur. Quarta
mining. quart
Qsub_a [kju:] abbr.
abbr., met. quenched again; quenched in liquid air
met. quenched again; quenched in liquid air
Qsub_w [kju:] abbr.
met. quenched in water
Qsub_pb [kju:] abbr.
met. quenched in lead bath
Qsub_0 [kju:] abbr.
met. quenched in oil
Qsub_b [kju:] abbr.
met. quenched in boiling water
Q- abbr.
abbr. quire
: 1 phrase in 1 subject