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abbr. Certificate Of Need; Controls Of Navigation
abbr. IT Call Operator Now; Simdir Configuration file
abbr. law Convict
abbr. mil. Contingency
abbr. physiol. med. Connector
IT concentration; constant
jarg. conductor
| factor
gen. a ~ behind

noun | noun | abbreviation | to phrases
CON [kɔn] abbr.
abbr., O&G, casp. Call-Off Notice (Yeldar Azanbayev)
Con [kɔn] n
geol. Coniacian Age (MichaelBurov); Coniacian period (MichaelBurov); Coniacian (MichaelBurov); Coniacian Stage (MichaelBurov); Coniacian time (MichaelBurov)
CON [kɔn] abbr.
abbr. Certificate Of Need; Controls Of Navigation; concession
abbr., auto. consisting; convertible
abbr., avia. continuous; maximum continuous thrust
abbr., busin. condense; condenser; conduct; confidence; confirm; connect; consignment; consolidate; consolidated annuities; container; continent; contracting; contractor; control; convenience; converter
abbr., earth.sc. convection
abbr., el. connection-oriented network
abbr., file.ext. Console (includes Keyboard and Screen)
abbr., IT Call Operator Now; Simdir Configuration file; cursor on
abbr., karate. conventional system
abbr., law Convict
abbr., med. Cyclopropane, oxygen, and nitrogen
abbr., mil. Contingency
abbr., mil., air.def. concentric cable
abbr., mil., WMD Control room
abbr., physiol., med. Connector
abbr., post Console (MODS report abbreviation)
abbr., scottish Console
abbr., telecom. conference calling
energ.ind. chart of nuclides
mil. Control (led)
con [kɔn] abbr.
abbr. conclusion; confidant; confidential; connection; conorm; console; consolidated; constitutional; consulate; consultation; continental; continued; contra; contract; controlled; controller; conversation
abbr., earth.sc. concentrate; concerning; consolidation
cartogr. concrete
inf. confidence trick; convict; conviction
IT concentration; constant
jarg. conductor; consumption
law conference
mil. convalescent
school.sl. construe
slang deceive (Don't try to con me)
con. abbr.
abbr. conjunx; consolidated; contra; conic; connect; connection; connecting
abbr., commer. consular
abbr., earth.sc. conclusion; concrete
abbr., econ. consignment
abbr., electric. condenser
abbr., libr. correction
Con [kɔn] abbr.
abbr. Conservative; Consul; C
Con. abbr.
abbr. contract
abbr., econ. Consul
insur. Consignee
lat. Contra ("against")
: 1 phrase in 1 subject
Rail transport1