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cd abbr.
abbr. cash discount; candela (illumination); caesarean delivery; candle (Vosoni)
abbr., auto. Candela or candle
abbr., busin. candela
abbr., earth.sc. conductance; cord
abbr., med. caudal
abbr., oil canned
abbr., telecom. change directory
account. with the dividend
chem. cadmium acetate (dimock)
O&G cored
cd. abbr.
abbr., phys. candel; candle
polym. cord
CD abbr.
gen. compact disk -> комп. CD -> compact disk
abbr. coastdown; concealment device; controls and displays; Diplomatic Corps; Career Development; Critical Dimension; call distribution; Call Disconnect (SS7); Commercial Directorate (SEIC ABelonogov); consolidated drained shear test; Civil Defence Corps; coast defense radar; Clinical Diagnosis
abbr., adv. creative director
abbr., agric. contagious disease
abbr., anim.husb. critical density
abbr., auto. capacitor discharge ignition; cathodic deposition; center differential; chassis dynamometer; compact discdisk; condenser discharge; cylinder deactivation
abbr., automat. case depth
abbr., avia. control display (Interex); control drag (Interex); calendar days; cancel distress; cargo door; change documentation; circuit dispersion; combination die; command disable; committed dates; communications department; communications desk; computer data; continued development; condition of detail; configuration discrete; configuration deviation; control and display; control documents; controlled drawing; construction drawing; coordination data; counter drill; course to a distance; critical deviation; curing date; container dolly (Interex); certification demonstration; chip detector; configuration documentation
abbr., busin. card; card distribution; carried; carried down; catalogued; centre distance; cold drawn; Commerce Department; commercial dock; commissioned; Cd cord; cost decrease; cost down; country damage; creditor and debtor; could; creditor's damage; currency devaluation; customary quick dispatch; cut off date; cash order
abbr., cables main cross (MichaelBurov); campus distributor (MichaelBurov); MC (MichaelBurov)
abbr., chem. continuous deionization
abbr., chem., scient. Cadmium
abbr., commer. Concept Decision; cash against documents; commercial department; continual development
abbr., commun. collision detect
abbr., comp., IT Compact Disk
abbr., comp., net. compact-disk; calling device
abbr., construct. construction document (Val_Ships)
abbr., dat.proc. compact disk
abbr., dentist. crown-down preparation (MichaelBurov); crown down (<– the concept is to widen the root canal with burs or files to remove dentin hangover and widen the canal orifices> MichaelBurov); crown down preparation (MichaelBurov)
abbr., dog. canine distemper
abbr., dril. cementing depth
abbr., drw. culvert for drain
abbr., earth.sc. canopy diameter; catalytic detectors; chemical demineralization; Chemical Department; chloritoid; climatic division; climatological data; coefficient of determination; complex depression; complex low; constant diffusivity; contact discontinuity; coupled discrete models
abbr., econ. certificate of delivery; cash against document
abbr., el. calculating device; call deflection; call detector; capacity downchange; cartridge drive; cell delay; central dictation; characteristic distance; charge density; chromatic dispersion; clamp diode; climbing dislocation; clock delay; co-deposition; coherent demodulation; coherent detection; collector diffusion process; color developer unit; communication driver; compound distributor; compressed drive; conceptual dependency; constructive design; control dial; conversion direction; core pattern data; crucial dimension; crystal driver; cubic diamond structure; current driver; cyclic debugging; common domain
abbr., el., scient. Circuit Design
abbr., file.ext. Carrier Detect
abbr., fin. Canadian Dollar
abbr., food.serv. calorie deficit
abbr., immunol. cluster of differentiation (Игорь_2006)
abbr., insur. Commission du Danube
abbr., isol. creepage distance (igisheva)
abbr., IT committee draft; clock driver; C D description; collision detection
abbr., lab.eq. Cells of Differentiation
abbr., life.sc. cluster differentiation
abbr., med. cadaver donor; Caesarian-delivered; cardiac dullness; cardiovascular disease; casualty department; celiac disease; common duct; communicable diseases; conjugate diameter of pelvic inlet; consanguineous donor; controlled drug; cystic duct; division of communicable disease; preparation subject to prescription requirement under the Misuse of Drugs Act; Cardiac Disease; Contact Dermatitis; cardiac death (Elmitera); certified doula (DONA association KN); Crohn's disease (ННатальЯ); (doc090); cervical dystonia (ННатальЯ); Cardiovascular Diseases (код больничного отделения Ying)
abbr., med., lat. conjugata diagonalis; curative dose
abbr., med.appl. Color Doppler (harser)
abbr., microel. computer display
abbr., mil. channel designator; compact disc; counterdrug; customer direct; command destruct; contract definition; countdown; Canadian Forces decoration; Communications Deception; Comptroller Division; Council Deputies; soman; Civil Defense
abbr., mil., air.def. coastal defense (radar); communication department
abbr., mil., WMD calibration device
abbr., neur.net. contrastive divergence (clck.ru dimock)
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. Commencement Date
abbr., O&G, sakh. cellar deck (Lena Nolte); Commercial Director (Sakhalin Energy); compressor drive
abbr., oil contract depth; complementary distribution; compensated density log; cable depth; cable drilling; cable driver; calcareous dolomite; carbon dioxide; carbonate dissolution; cartridge diameter; casing drilling; casing shoe depth; catalytic distillation; cathodic disbondment; cellulose diacetate; cement displacement; chalcedony; channel deposit; charge and discharge; chart division; checkered deck; chlorine demand; chlorite; circuit description; code; coefficient of drag; collection and distribution; color display; colorimetric determination; compact discss; completion date; compressed data; compression deflection; concentrator-diffuser; cone dragged; contracting definition; converging-diverging; conversion-dispersion; convolutional differentiator; cordierite; core driver; corrected depth; corundum; crater diameter; critical diameter; critical difference; crude distillation; current density; current display; customs declaration; cyclic deactivation
abbr., ophtalm. cup-to-disc ratio (Баян)
abbr., pharm. cyclodextrin
abbr., physiol., med. Cause of Death
abbr., polit. Democratic Republic of the Congo
abbr., polym. circular dichroism; cold-drawn; cross direction; calendar day
abbr., product. closed drainage (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., progr. conceptual domain (ssn)
abbr., railw. Ceské Dráhy
abbr., scottish Cavalry Division (USA); Civil Defence
abbr., snd.rec. compact disc digital audio system
abbr., space command ship; Committee on Disarmament; compass deviation; controlled diffusion; convergent/divergent
abbr., tech. control desk; case drain; Committee Draft (LyuFi); Capacitor Diode (Vosoni)
abbr., telecom. campus distributor; call detail record; carrier detected; carrier detector; contact disc
abbr., textile cash dispenser; certificate of time deposit
abbr., transp. Compact Design
abbr., UN Conference on Disarmament
abbr., UN, geol. chart datum
chem., abbr. condenser
energ.ind., abbr. capacitor discharge; carryover detection; certain day; characteristic data; closing date; concurrent development; control damper; cooldown; core damage
invest., abbr. cum dividend
invest., fin. certificate of deposit
law, abbr. condemned; confidential document
mil., abbr. camouflage detection; career development; center distance; central department; central district; certificate of destruction; certificate of discharge; chaff dispenser; change directive; check digit; chemical defense; chief of division; circular dispersion; civil defense; classification of defects; clothing depot; coastal defense; collateral damage; combat development; command decoder; common digitizer; comparable data; competitive design; concept definition; concept development; contract design; coordination document; critical defect
O&G, abbr. compressor department
polit., abbr. Chad
tech., abbr. capacitance divider; capacitive discharge; chain data; charge displacement; chip density; clamping diode; clock delay mechanism; coastal defense radar; communications device; component development; condensate demineralizer; configuration-dependent; console display; controls and displays computer; copper dish; crystal diode
tech., mil., avia. cable duct
Cd abbr.
abbr. cadmium; command
abbr., earth.sc. chrome diopside; drag coefficient
energ.ind. drag coefficient for single particle
energ.ind., abbr. on dry basis fuel carbon
Cd. abbr.
abbr. cordierite
CD. abbr.
abbr., electr.eng. circuit description
cD abbr.
unit.meas. centidarcy (dicax)
: 362 phrases in 16 subjects
Airports and air traffic control1
File extension1
Information technology3
Mass media2
Oil / petroleum1
Oil and gas2