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abbr. Work Accidents Investigation Technique
abbr. auto. wait light
abbr. ed. Why Am I Talking
abbr. ironic. West African International Time
abbr. relig. Why Am I Tempted
| Time
abbr. meteorol.
abbr. mil. avia. technique for information management and employment
abbr. avia., med. interresponse
abbr. polym. t.

noun | verb | to phrases
WAIT [weɪt] abbr.
abbr., auto. wait light
WAIT [weɪt] abbr.
abbr. Work Accidents Investigation Technique
abbr., ed. Why Am I Talking
abbr., ironic. West African International Time (сокращение, придуманное иностранцами для обозначения неспешности африканской жизни, в том числе в бизнесе Yanick)
abbr., relig. Why Am I Tempted
progr., IT Wait
Wait: 3 phrases in 2 subjects