
   English thesaurus
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abbr. scottish Tac
abbr. mil. tac.
abbr. tctl
| Advanced
avia. Advanced SMGCS
abbr. adv
| Computer
abbr. IT Common Operating Machine Particulars Used For Trade Education And Research
abbr. comp., MS PC

to phrases
tactical ['tæktɪk(ə)l] abbr.
abbr. tctl
mil., abbr. tactl
mil., logist. Generic word used to describe a failure or the operational inability to function of an equipment. The damage can have two causes: 1. tactical damage: material consequence of a combat aggression; 2. technical damage: deterioration, defectiveness or breakdown due to the normal use of the equipment. (FRA)
tactic ['tæktɪk] abbr.
abbr., mil. tac.
Tactical ['tæktɪk(ə)l] abbr.
abbr., scottish Tac
Tactical: 32 phrases in 3 subjects