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abbr. Technical Cooperation (iwona); Thermo-Compression
abbr., avia. top-of-climb; thrust controller; top of climb; type certificate
abbr., busin. till countermanded; trueran/ cotton
abbr., earth.sc. thermocouple
abbr., el. thermocompression (soldering)
abbr., el., scient. Thermo- Compression
abbr., mil. tactical coordinator; technical control
abbr., mil., air.def. telecommunication
abbr., mil., WMD training contractor
abbr., O&G, casp. tank car (raf)
abbr., oil turbine compressor
abbr., space telecommunications; temperature compensating; thrust chamber
abbr., tech. torque converter
abbr., textile terylene/cotton; cambric Terylene Cotton Cambric; drill Terylene Cotton drill; fancy suiting Terylene Cotton fancy Suiting; plain cloth Terylene Cotton Plain cloth; poplin Terylene Cotton poplin; rope for jacguard card Terylene Cotton rope for jacguard card; polyester/cotton
abbr. tandem centre (гидравлического клапана BabaikaFromPechka); Tax Court
abbr., commer. chief of transportation; take care; target country; tariff ceilings; tariff circular; taux du change; technical characteristic; technical circular; Technical Committee (American Standard Association); trade committee; trade corporation; traite de commerce; traveler's check; traveler's credit; tribunal de commerce; type certificate
abbr., earth.sc. technically classified; temperature controller; total costs
abbr., econ. telegraphic collation; traveler's cheque
abbr., expl. thrust chamber
abbr., law United States Tax Court
abbr., met. thermocouple
abbr., mining. tungsten carbide
abbr., tech. thermocouple (gorbulenko)
abbr. telegraph and cable; the textile and clothing (A Hun)
abbr., avia. target and control; time and charges
abbr., el. telemetry and command system
abbr., mil., avia. telemetry and command
abbr., oil topping and coking; threaded and coupled
abbr., post Terms and Conditions (contractual)
abbr., scottish Tracking & Communication
tech. tool and cutter
abbr., earth.sc. temperature-conductivity
abbr., electric. T-circuit
abbr., oil tanker conversion
abbr. time charter (Vosoni); travellers' cheque (Vosoni); thickness to chord (ratio)
abbr., avia. thickness/chord ratio
O&G, sakh. terms and conditions (Sakhalin Energy)
abbr., commer. till countermanded; time check; true course
construct. temperature coefficient
abbr., med. cytotoxic T cell
abbr., electric. T-circuit
T & C
abbr., med. type and crossmatch
T/C treated/control
abbr., oncol. T/C (показатель эффективности онкологического препарата, частное от деления медианы выживаемости мышей, принимавших препарат (treated), на медиану выживаемости контрольных мышей (control) и умноженное на 100 (в процентах) Игорь_2006)
: 2 phrases in 2 subjects
American stock exchange1
Rail transport1