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SA abbr.
abbr., anim.husb. Society of Agronomy (China)
abbr., auto. selenoid; shock absorber; spare; spark advance; special version; sub assembly; swing axle
abbr., genet. splice acceptor
abbr., met. silicon and aluminium
abbr., textile Seventh Avenue
Sa abbr.
abbr. sierra; salt
abbr., earth.sc. sapphirine; sub-angular
abbr., med. O2 oxygen saturation of arterial (oxyhemoglobin)
abbr., oil sanidine
alum. Standards Australia Limited (Standards Australia is the nation's peak non-government Standards organisation. It is charged by the Commonwealth Government to meet Australia's need for contemporary, internationally aligned Standards and related services. Марат Каюмов)
energ.ind. ash sulfur
tech., abbr. samarium; semi anthracite
Sa. abbr.
abbr. Saturday
abbr., earth.sc. serrania
SAs abbr.
abbr., oil stratospheric aerosols
Sat n
insur. Saturday
μSA abbr.
abbr., el. microsystem analyzer
SAS abbr.
abbr. Sasami Appreciation Society; Scandinavian Airline System; Silver Age Sentinels; Statements on Auditing Standards; Statistical Analysis Systems; Sadly Another Submission; Salisbury Air Service, Inc.; Save A Soul; Savings Assortment Satisfaction; Scandinavian Air Lines System; School Assessed Subject; School For Advanced Study; Scummy Arsed Student; single-attached station; security alarm system; sodium aluminium sulfate; sterile aqueous suspension; "Small arms school"; Statements of Auditing Standards; Search And Sort; Secondary Antenna System; Secret Attack Squad; Segment Arrival Storage; Self Assessment System; Semi Annual Statement; Semicolon After Semicolon; Senior Advisory Staff; Service Above Self; Service, Artistry, Skill; Session Active Screen (IBM); Shaft The Arseholes Of Shareholders; Shitty Ass Satellite; Siegfried Advanced System; Signature Authorization Sheet; Simulation Automation System; Simultaneous Analog Stimulation; Single Attachment Station (FDDI); Sissies And Solo; Small Angle Scattering; Small Astronomical Satellite; Software as a Service (SAS, SaaS Yakov); Solar Acquisition Sensor; Sounds Across Seas; Space Activity Suit (Space); Special Airlift Summary; Special Armed Services; Spectrum Apartment Search; Speed Aggression And Surprise; stand-alone screen; Strategic Aerospace Summary; Strategic Area Study; Strength Attitude And Spirit; Stretching Aerobic And Strengthening; Student Assistance Services; Students Association Of Singapore; Stupid Ass Sucker; Subvalvular Aortic Stenosis; Sudden Available Space; Supplier Assessment Survey (Bogdan_Demeshko); Support Amplifier Station; Support to Analyst Subsystem; Survivable Adaptive Systems; System Analysis and Simulation; University of St. Andrews - 6
abbr., account. Statement of Auditing Standards
abbr., auto. seat adjust system; secondary air solenoid; secondary air supply; semi-active air suspension; side auxiliary sensor; Steering Angle Sensor (Sagoto); slow adjust screw; sophisticated air bag sensor; speed adjusting screw; steering assist auxiliary, aided system
abbr., avia. software accomplishment summary; stall avoidance subsystem; station address set; satellite automonitor system; secure analysis system; software application system; standard avionics system; stall avoidance subsystem; static strength approval sheet; supportability analysis summary; system assessment survey
abbr., avia., med. space adaptation syndrome
abbr., BrE School of Air Support; Small Arms School; staff administrative specialist
abbr., busin. system of national accounts; ships' agency service
abbr., chem. secondary alkyl sulfonate
abbr., commun. SS7 Application Server
abbr., comp., net. single attachment station; system application software
abbr., comp., net., IT Single Attach Station
abbr., data.prot. safety alert system (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., earth.sc. Solid-State Array Spectroradiometer; Soviet Academy of Sciences; surface-active substances
abbr., econ. statement on auditing standards
abbr., ed. School Age Services
abbr., ed., scient. School For Advanced Studies; Student Administrative Services
abbr., el. safety analysis system; satellite-aided system; secondary alerting system; secure authentication server; security authentication service; self-adjusting system; self-aligned silicide; self-aligned stripe (array); self-aligned structure; self-approach system; sequenced answer system; sequential access storage; shared access to satellite; software analysis system; solar array structure; sound amplification system; source address space; stacked-amorphous-silicon (emitter contacted diode); storage address stack; subordinate address space; subscriber authorized system; super accuracy simplex; surface analysis system; survivable adaptive system; survival adaptive system; switched access star (network); synthetic aperture system; system address setup; switched access system
abbr., electr.eng. silicon asymmetrical switch; state after switching
abbr., facil. secured airlock system (baloff)
abbr., file.ext. Sales Accounting System; SAS source code file; Single Attached Station
abbr., genet. splice acceptor site
abbr., India Sahibzada Ajit Singh (igisheva)
abbr., IT Serial Attached SCSI; Serial Attached Scsi; serial attached SCSI (Bricker); Single Attached Station; Secure Authentication Services
abbr., law Second Amendment Sisters
abbr., load.equip. System of Active Stability (ВосьМой)
abbr., math. SAS
abbr., math., scient. Side Angle Side
abbr., meteorol. Sarcoma Amplified Sequence; Scientific American Surgery; Sick As Shit; Sleep Apnea Syndrome; Small Aorta Syndrome; Society For Applied Spectroscopy; Space-adaptation Syndrome; scalenus anticus syndrome (ННатальЯ); Self-Administered Standardized Format (Игорь_2006); Starkstein Apathy Scale (Rada0414); subaortic stenosis; sub-assistant surgeon
abbr., mil. Special Air Service; Special Air Services; Special Assault Squad; Sea-Air-Space; Signature Augmentation Subsystem; Signature Augmentation System; Situational Awareness System; Small Astronomy Satellite; Speaker Authentication System; Synthetic Aperture Sonar; sealed authenticator system
abbr., mil., WMD status account system
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. seismic amplitude study
abbr., O&G, sakh. seismic amplitude studyies; standalone screen (способ заканчивания скважин, как альтернатива гравийной набивке sheetikoff)
abbr., oil Surface Acquisition System (Kenny Gray); safety assurance system; Sasol Advanced Synthol (process); SEAK Subsea Equipment Association Limited atmospheric system; secondary alkane sulfonate; Society of Applied Spectroscopy; sodium alkane sulfonate; submersible automatic system; subsea atmospheric system; Symposium on Atomic Spectroscopy
abbr., opt. self-alignment structure
abbr., physiol., med. Short Attention Span
abbr., progr. substation automation system (ssn)
abbr., progr., IT Statistical Analysis Software; Statistical Analysis System
abbr., psychiat. Simpson-Angus Scale (шкала для оценки паркинсонических явлений RD3QG)
abbr., scottish Schnellbrucke auf Stutzen (Germany); Second Acoustic Source; Situation Awareness System (US Marine Corps); Smart Armour System (USA); South African Ship; Special Ammunition Site (USA); Systems Acquisition School (USA)
abbr., sec.sys. Safety Alert System (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., space safety access service; Satellite Application Section; satellite automation system; small-angle scattering; solar array system; subscriber authorization system; sun acquisition sensors; surface active substance
abbr., sport. Southern All Stars
abbr., tech. Step and shoot (iwona)
abbr., textile ship's agency service
abbr., tradem. San Antonio Shoes; Scandinavian Airline Systems
abbr., transp. Scandinavian Airlines System
abbr., water.suppl. Soil Absorption System; Solar Aquatic Systems
comp. satellite information service
FBI. Special Agents
law Surround and Shake
mil. satellite attack sensor; sealed authentication system; secondary alarm station; security agency study; selection and appointment system; self-adaptive system; semiautomatic segment; separation assurance system; ship alongside service; signal analysis system; single audio system; small applications satellite; snap action switch; space activity suit; special activities squadron; special ammunition section; special ammunition site; special ammunition stockage; special ammunition storage; stability augmentation system; survival avionics system; system analysis section; system analysis study
physiol. Short arm splint
tech. safeguards and security; safety assessment system; service air system; solar array subsystem; spacecraft antenna system; special advertising section; speech activity simulator; station air system; strong aircraft signature; surface-active substance; suspended array system
SAs abbr.
abbr., securit. separate accounts
sas abbr.
abbr. so and so
: 2 phrases in 1 subject