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PE abbr.
abbr. Performance Evaluation; Period End; Positive Experience; Price Earnings; Printer's Error; Consolidated Rail Corporation; Pacific Electro Dynamics; Painful Experience; Paranoia Expletive; Peace Enforcement; PeCo Energy Company; Penis Envy; Penis Exercises; Perfect Edition; Performance Enhanced; periodic; Person Equivalent; Personnel Equipment; Phase Encoding; photoelectric; Physical Extent; Physical Extents; pinion end; Planning Element; Plant Extrusion; Playful Exercise; Populations Ecosystem; Portable eXecutable (Win32, Java); potential energy; Power Envelope; Predictive Environment; Preinstallation Environment; Preliminary Exploitation; Presumptive Eligibility; Pretty Exciting; Price To Engineers; Prince Edward island; Print Environment; Privacy-Enhanced; Project Enterprise; Protection Enabled; Protestant Episcopal; pulley end; Pump Events; Punctuation Editor
abbr., agric. performance efficiency
abbr., archit., scient. Professional Engineer
abbr., avia. ice pellets
abbr., biol. protein equivalent
abbr., biotechn. phycoerythrin (Altuntash)
abbr., BrE production executive
abbr., Canada Prince Edward Island
abbr., chem., scient. Poly Ethylene
abbr., comp. Phase-Encoded (Vosoni)
abbr., ed., scient. Physical Education
abbr., el., scient. PiezoElectric
abbr., electr.eng. protective earth (Алвико); Protection Earth (gorbulenko)
abbr., file.ext. Parity Even; Processing Element; Processing Elements; Protect Enable
abbr., geogr. Prince Edward Islands (Vosoni)
abbr., inet. Provider Edge
abbr., IT Portable Executable; paper end; phase encryption; portable executable
abbr., lab.eq. Pressure Equalization
abbr., ling. post-editing (MichaelBurov); postediting (MichaelBurov)
abbr., Makarov. polyester fiber
abbr., med. Pulmonary Edema; Pulmonary Edema / Embolism; Pulmonary Embolus/embolism; pericardial effusion (harser); physical exam (Vosoni); plasma exchange (Фьялар); point estimate (точечная оценка inspirado); Phacoemulsification; premature ejaculation; prolonged exposure
abbr., met. plain end (о трубах Киселев)
abbr., mil. Program Element; Processor Element
abbr., mil., WMD particulate emission; Principal Engineer; project engineering
abbr., O&G, sakh. Preliminary engineering; pressurized enclosure; Project Expansion
abbr., oil photoelectric effect; pumping equipment
abbr., phys., scient. Positron Emission
abbr., physiol. physical exercise; Point of Entry
abbr., physiol., med. Penis Enlargement; Physical Examination; Point Of Entry; Pulmonary Embolism
abbr., police private eye (Val_Ships)
abbr., polit. Peru; Political Economy
abbr., polym. pentaerythritol; permissible error; polyethylene; primary esterification
abbr., procur. procurement engineer (Метран)
abbr., progr. programmable electronic (ssn); programmable electronics (ssn)
abbr., progr., IT Premium Edition; Professional Edition
abbr., scient. Pci E; Petroleum Engineering; Planet Earth
abbr., scottish Peace Establishment; Permanent Echo; Procurement Executive (UK); Protective Entrance
abbr., silic. porcelain enameling; powder enameling
abbr., stat. probable error
ecol. population equivalent
energ.ind. partial enthalpy; periphery edge; pollution eradication; positive error; postexposure; power exchange; pressure energy; process engineering; protective earthing; pulse energization
mil. peacetime establishment; performance engineer; performance evaluation; peripheral equipment; personal effects; personal equipment; personnel equivalent; personnel error; personnel, enlisted; petroleum engineer; physical education; pilot error; pistol expert; planning estimate; plastic explosive; point expanding; point of explosion; pontoon equipment; port of embarkation; position error; post engineer; post exchange; potential excess; power equipment; practical exercise; preliminary evaluation; prime equipment; procedures evaluation; production engineering; professional education; professional examination; program element; project engineer; purchased equipment
mil., med. physical examination
office.equip. paper exit
railw. colonist car; emigrant car
st.exch. price-earnings multiple (dimock)
tech. packing effect; paraelectric; phase-encoded format; picture element; pinch effect; power engineer; power engineering; program evaluation; program/erase
Pe abbr.
abbr. Palaeocene (MichaelBurov); Paleocene (MichaelBurov); Paleocene age (MichaelBurov); Paleocene time (MichaelBurov); the Palaeocene (MichaelBurov); the Paleocene (MichaelBurov); effective confining pressure; external boundary pressure; photoelectric absorption cross section index; Peclet criterion; Peclet number
geol. Paleocene Division (MichaelBurov); Paleocene Epoch (MichaelBurov)
refrig. Peclet's number
PE abbr.
abbr. Phase Encoded; pre-evaporator
abbr., auto. photo electric; piezo electric; piezoelectric effect; polymer electrolyte
abbr., avia. photo elasticity; photoconductive effect; pilot evaluator; pilot examiner; piston engines; plant engineering; plant equipment; pressure error; propulsive efficiency; pulse encoding; purchases equipment
abbr., chem. phycoerythrin (capricolya); ethanolamine phosphoglycerides
abbr., corp.gov. programme entity
abbr., dat.proc. phase encoding
abbr., econ., fin. price earnings ratio
abbr., el. paralleled environment; parity error; peer entity; phase equalization; phase error; photoemission; photoengraving; photoexcitation; photon effect; physical entity; plane endfiber; plasma emission; plasma enhanced; plasma etching; portable executable file format; pre-emption; presentation entity; price-to-earnings ratio; primary electron (pulse); probability of error; programmable emulator; programmed exciter; programming environment; protocol element; protocol emulation; protocol entity; protocol event; proton exchange; proximity exposure; pulse encoder; processing element
abbr., electr.eng. protective equipotential (peuplier_8)
abbr., isol. protective conductor
abbr., law, ADR price-earning ratio
abbr., med. pulmonary embolism (Vosoni); physical examination (физикальное обследование Dimpassy); pulmonary embolism (thefreedictionary.com, medizinische-abkuerzungen.de); powdered extract; pressure of expiration; Pediatric Emergency Medicine (код больничного отделения Ying); PtdEth
abbr., microel. parity even (ssn)
abbr., mil. peace enforcement; preparation of the environment
abbr., mil., air.def. processing unit; radial probable error
abbr., mil., avia. ice pellets
abbr., oil plain end
abbr., pest.contr. pre-emergence
abbr., pharm. phenytoin sodium equivalents (Natalya Rovina)
abbr., plast.surg. pulmonary embolus
abbr., polym. polyethene
abbr., scottish Peru (NATO country code)
abbr., soil. pediment
abbr., tax. Permanent Establishment (eugeene1979)
abbr., tech. basic probability error
abbr., textile fiber polyester fiber
progr. portable executable (Alex_Odeychuk)
Pe abbr.
abbr., avia. pressure at exhaust of engine
abbr., earth.sc. Early Permian; perthite
abbr., energ.ind. Péclet number
abbr., geol. Paleocene division (MichaelBurov)
abbr., mil., avia. Peele number
abbr., oil periclase
pe- abbr.
abbr. photoelectron
Pes [pi:z] abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. peseta
abbr., oil permeability estimate
pes [pi:z] abbr.
abbr. pieces
pe abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. pentlandite
PES [pi:z] abbr.
abbr. Post Enumeration Survey; P-bit Errored Seconds (DS3/E3, BIT); Photo-Electric Scanning (DTP); Pissy Ending Syndrome; Positive Enable System; post enumeration survey; process equipment supplier (eternalduck); Programmed Electrical Stimulation; Programmer Electronic Switch; Public Electricity Supply
abbr., auto. PES lamps (MichaelBurov); polyellipsoid headlamps (MichaelBurov); poly-ellipsoid headlamps (MichaelBurov); polyellipsoid and photometric headlamps (MichaelBurov); poly-ellipsoid and photometric headlamps (MichaelBurov); polyellipsoid lamps for dipped headlights provide a wider beam range to both sides of the car, especially to illuminate the edge of the road on curves, bends etc. (MichaelBurov); poly-ellipsoid system; projector ellipsoid system
abbr., avia. passenger entertainment system; product engineering standard; production engineering specification; pointing error signal; power engineering system; product-engineering standard; production engineering services; protections of exterior skins
abbr., BrE PULHEEMS employment standard
abbr., chem. Polyethersulfone (Алвико); photoelectron spectrometry
abbr., commun. personal earth station
abbr., comp., net., IT Process Engineering Suite
abbr., demogr. post-enumeration survey
abbr., dentist. pink esthetic score (MichaelBurov)
abbr., earth.sc. Permanent Earth Station; photoelectron spectrometer; photoelectron spectrometer experiment; precision echo sounder
abbr., econ. payments for environmental services
abbr., el. packetized elementary stream (decoding); porcelain enameled steel; packet earth station; photoelectron spectroscope; photoelectron-stabilized photicon; photoemission electron spectroscopy; program elementary stream; programmer's electronic signature; pyroelectric sensor
abbr., el., scient. Photo- Electron Spectroscopy
abbr., energ.ind. power engineering society (ssn)
abbr., energ.syst. Public Electricity Supplier (MichaelBurov)
abbr., file.ext. Positioning Error Signal; Processor Enhancement Socket; Processor Upgrade Socket; Program Editor work space file (WordPerfect Library)
abbr., food.ind. processed Eucheuma seaweed
abbr., IT Program Editor work space file; Programmable Electronic System; packetised elementary stream
abbr., lab.eq. potential energy surface
abbr., med. Pediatric Exercise Science (periodical); Physical Examination Syndrome; Preexcitation Syndrome; Primary Empty Sella (syndrome); Pseudoexfoliation Or Pseudoexfoliative Syndrome; Pôle Européen De Santé / European Health Center; Paclitaxel stent (MichaelBurov); Paclitaxel-eluting stent (MichaelBurov); percutaneous electrical stimulation; postenumeration survey
abbr., med.appl. Programmed Extra Stimulation (режим работы устройства кардиостимуляции Uljan)
abbr., mil. preparedness evaluation system; potential explosive site
abbr., mil., avia. passive electromagnetic system
abbr., nano photoemission spectroscopy
abbr., O&G potential earthquake source (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G, sakh.a. programmable electronic system
abbr., oil Petroleum Engineering Society; polyester; polyethylene sulfonate; predrill probability of economic success; production engineering specifications; productivity evaluation services
abbr., opt. photoelectric scanner
abbr., org.name. Project Expenditure System
abbr., physiol., med. Psychiatric Evaluation Service
abbr., plast. Polyethersulfone; polyether sulfone; polyether sulphon
abbr., polym. poly (ether-sulfone)
abbr., post Performance Evaluation System; Private Express Statutes (together with "Universal Service Obligation" and "Exclusive Mailbox Access" rule = USPS postal monopoly)
abbr., progr. PE system (ssn); programmable electronic system (ssn); Packetized Elementary Stream (ssn)
abbr., progr., IT Personal Email Solution
abbr., radio photoelectric scanning; photo-electron-stabilized photicon (photicon)
abbr., sec.sys., IT Proposed Encryption Standard
abbr., space photo-electric scanner; program execution system
abbr., sport. Pro Evolution Soccer
abbr., telecom. position error signal
abbr., textile interlining polyester interlining
abbr., tradem. Percy Engineering Services; Petroleum Engineering Services
airports, avia. Petrozavodsk, Russia
energ.ind. pressure equalization system; primary energy sources; production-enhancing system
mil. permanent executive secretariat; pointing error sensor; program evaluation system
phys. photoelectron spectroscopy
tech. passive electromagnetic system; polyethersulphone
PEs [pi:z] abbr.
abbr., med. esophageal pressure
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