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NAS abbr.
abbr., chem. sodium aluminium silicate
abbr., comp., net. network application software
abbr., earth.sc. national academy of sciences (N.Z.); Nebraska Academy of Sciences; neutron activation and spark-source mass spectrometry; noise-free advective scheme; numerical aerodynamic simulation program
abbr., multimed. network-attached storage
abbr., oil non-anionic surfactant; North American shales
abbr., space national aerospace system; navigation and avoidance system; nozzle actuation system
NAS abbr.
abbr. National Aerospace Standard; National Aerospace Standards; National Audubon Society; North American Specification; Numerical Aerospace Simulation; National Advanced Systems; National Airspace; National Association of Sanitarians; National Association of Schoolmasters; NATO alert system; Naval Air Service; Needle Arts Studio; Netware Access Services (Novell, Netware); Network Access System; Network Administrator Specialist; Network Application Services (DEC); Never Any Service; Nikon Advanced Systems; No Active Support; Noise Abatement Society; Non Action System; Non-Agreement State; Non-indigenous Aquatic Species; North American Series; North Atlantic Study; Not A Stock; Not Absolutely Sure; Not Another School; Numerical Aerodynamic Simulator; new active substance (coltuclu)
abbr., auto. non-asbestos synthetic
abbr., avia. National Airport System; national aeronautical aircraft standards; navy and army standard
abbr., BrE Nursing Auxiliary Service
abbr., clin.trial. normative aging study (kat_j)
abbr., comp., net. NetWare Access Server; Network Administration System; Network Application Support; node address switch
abbr., comp., net., IT Network Access Services; Network Attached Storage; Network Audio Server; Network Audio System
abbr., data.prot. network access server (Alex_Odeychuk)
abbr., el. new attack submarine; narrow angle sensor; narrow-band access server; Netscape application server; network access storage; network application service; network authentication service; non-arithmetic shift; nonlinear antenna system
abbr., food.ind. No Added Sugar
abbr., IT Network - Attached Storage; Network Access Server; Network attached storage; network attached storage
abbr., lab.eq. Nucleus Accumbens Septum
abbr., meteorol. National Academy Of Sciences; National Association Of Sanitarians; National Autistic Society; Neonatal Airleak Syndrome; Neuroallergic Syndrome; Nordisk Audiologisk Selskab. Nordic Audiological Society; National Academy of Sciences; no added salt
abbr., mil. National Airspace System; Naval Air Squadron; Naval Air Station; naval air station
abbr., mil., avia. National Research Council - National Academy of Sciences
abbr., mil., WMD Network Analysis System
abbr., nano numerical aeronautical simulation
abbr., opt. National Academy of Science
abbr., physiol. Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome; Normative Aging Study
abbr., progr. network attached storage (ssn)
abbr., qual.cont. National Aircraft Standard
abbr., scottish Newport Aeronautical Sales (USA); Numerical Aerodynamic Simulation
abbr., securit. National Association of Stockbrokers
abbr., tech. National airspace system; national airspace system
abbr., telecom. non-access stratum (Ronny); network access server (ssn)
abbr., UN Newly Associated States
abbr., USA National Academy of Sciences (MichaelBurov)
airports, avia. Nassau, Bahamas
mil. narrow-angle sensor; naval armament supplies
tech. nonreactor assessment staff
nas abbr.
abbr. nasal
: 2 phrases in 1 subject