
   English thesaurus
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abbr. environ. Hydrology Ecology And Disturbance
abbr. inf. bathroom
abbr. scottish High Explosive, Air Defence
abbr. sec.sys. IT Hand-held Encryption Authentication Device
mil. hand-held electronics authentication device
abbr. headland
gen. be at the head of; have a good head for
abbr. heading
abbr. amer. slang gourd
Bitch | In Charge
 In Charge
abbr. scottish IC
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to phrases
HEAD [hed] abbr.
abbr., auto. head lamp
abbr., avia. high explosive, air defense
abbr., environ. Hydrology Ecology And Disturbance
abbr., inf. bathroom
abbr., scottish High Explosive, Air Defence
abbr., sec.sys., IT Hand-held Encryption Authentication Device
mil. hand-held electronics authentication device
head [hed] v
gen. be at the head of; have a good head for
abbr. heading
abbr., amer., slang gourd (Use your gourd to figure out what is happening)
abbr., polym. hd
abbr., textile length
Head [hed] abbr.
abbr. headland
: 3 phrases in 1 subject