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verb | abbreviation
APS abbr.
abbr., anim.husb. American Phytopathological Society; American Pomological Society
abbr., auto. accelerator pedal position sensor; automatic position system; Automotive Performance Systems Inc.; auxiliary parking system
abbr., avia. accelerometer parameter shift; advanced photographic system; advanced photosynthetic system; aft propulsion subsystem; airborne power supply; airborne power system; airplane performance sheet; altitude pre-select; APU power switch; armament practice station; array power supply; ascent propulsion system; attitude propulsion subsystem; automated parts system; automated publication system; automatic processing system; autonomous propulsion supply; auxiliary power subsystem; avionic printing specification
abbr., chem. adenosine-5'phosphosulfate
abbr., commun. auxiliary power source
abbr., ecol. Announced Pledges Scenario (amorgen)
abbr., logist. advanced planning and scheduling system; at pilot station
abbr., mil., avia. accessory power supply
APS abbr.
abbr. Advanced Planning And Scheduling; Ability Point Skill; Absolutely Precious Skin; Academic Program Summary; Academic Publishing Service; Academy of Political Science; Acceleration And Pre Separation; Active Pixel Sensors; application platform suite; Acta Polytechnica Scandinavica; appearance-potential spectroscopy; soft X-ray appearance-potential spectroscopy; Active Point System; Active Positive Symbiosis; Administration Planning And Statistics; Advance Photo System; Advanced Planning Systems; advanced planning/scheduling (алешаBG); Advanced Positioning Sensor; Advanced Power Stability; Advanced Power System; Advanced Production System; Affordable Portable Services; Afloat Pre-positioning Ship; Agenda Productivity Suite; Agricultural Production Specialist; Air Pictorial Service; Air Planning System; Air Precision Shooting; Airway Planning Standard; All Processes Suspended; All Programs And Sounds; Amateur Pageantry Systems; American Peace Society; American Philatelic Society; American Philosophical Society; American Physic Society; American Physics Society; American Polar Society; American Protestant Society; Analog Protection System; Analytical Planning Scheduling; Aol Password Stealer; Application Page Server; Application Print Services; Application Protection System; Application Provider Services; Application Service Provider (WAN); Applied Problem Solving; Approved Program Sequence; Army Pictorial Service; Army Pilot School; Army Postal Service; ASARS Processing Segment; ASARS-II Processing Segment; Asset Positioning System; Associate of the Pharmaceutical Society; Association For Practical Shooting; Asynchronous Port Switch; Atomic Power Station; Attending Physicians Statements; Auto Pilot System; Automated Planning And Scheduling; Automated Process Scheduler; Automatic Point And Shoot; Automatic Provisioning System; Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Antennas and Propagation Society
abbr., agric., chem. ammonium phosphate-sulphate
abbr., auto. acoustic parking system (ВВладимир); absolute pressure sensor (GM); Acoustic Parking System (ВВладимир); atmospheric pressure sensor (Mazda)
abbr., avia. airborne pulse search; altitude pressure switch
abbr., bank. Automated Payment System (Millie); average propensity to save (4uzhoj); Asset Protection Scheme (программа (гос.) помощи проблемным банкам ( an insurance scheme designed to help banks with bad loans)) Millie)
abbr., biol. adenosine-5'-phosphosulfate
abbr., busin. arrived pilot station; as per schedule; Automatic Program System
abbr., chem. adenosine phosphosulphate; ammonium persulphate
abbr., comp., net. Asynchronous Protocol Specification
abbr., comp.name. Associated Petroleum Services, Inc.
abbr., earth.sc. accelerator porosity sonder; appearance potential spectrometer; appearance potential spectroscopy; Australian Photogrammetric Society
abbr., ecol. ambient permit system
abbr., el. accounts payable systems; adaptive processing sonar; advanced plasma source; Advanced Plasma System, Inc.; advanced processing system; alphanumeric photocomposer system; appearance potential spectroscope; Apple presentation system; application program system; array processor software; atmospheric plasma spraying; automated protocol synthesizer; automatic program control system; auxiliary program storage
abbr., el., scient. American Physical Society
abbr., electr.eng. Arizona Public Service Company (название компании Pothead)
abbr., file.ext. Advanced Printing Service (IBM)
abbr., fin. auction preferred stock
abbr., IT Active Pixel Sensor; Advanced Photo System; Automatic Protection Switching; attached processor system
abbr., law Adult Protective Services
abbr., med. American Pain Society; American Paraplegia Society; American Pediatric Society; American Physiological Society; American Proctologic Society; American Prosthodontic Society; American Psychological Society; American Psychosomatic Society; Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome; Association For Psychological Science (Previously: American Psychological Society); Australian Pain Society; Australian Psychological Society; Autoimmune Polyglandular Syndrome; Automated Patent System; Prostate-specific Antigen; anti-phospolipid antibody syndrome (MichaelBurov); anti-phospolipid syndrome (MichaelBurov); antiphospolipid antibody syndrome (MichaelBurov); antiphospolipid syndrome (MichaelBurov); APLS (MichaelBurov); Hughes syndrome (MichaelBurov); Anti-Phospholipid Syndrome (Vosoni); antiphospholipid antibody syndrome (harser); approved practice setting (harser); autoimmune polyglandular syndrome; antiplatelet antiserum
abbr., mil. Advanced Planning and Scheduling; Afloat Planning System; Aiming and Pointing System (USMC); Auxiliary Power System; Active protection system for tanks (APS intercepts and destroys incoming missiles and rockets with a shotgun-like blast by explosive charges Val_Ships); Army pre-positioned stocks
abbr., mil., WMD Army Planning System
abbr., mining. American Peat Society
abbr., nano air plasma spray (MichaelBurov); air plasma spraying (MichaelBurov)
abbr., nautic. arrival pilot station (Yuriy83); Arrival Pilot Station
abbr., NGO American Physical Society (Американское Физическое общество Himera)
abbr., O&G Accelerated Porosity Sonde (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., O&G, casp. advanced project solutions (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., O&G, sakh. abandon platform shutdown (Orlan platform)
abbr., oil abandon platform shutdown; accelerator porosity sonde; accelerator porosity survey; accessory auxiliary power supply; acoustic positioning system; Advanced Polymer Sciences, Inc.; advanced pumping system; Advanced Pumping Systems Inc.; AEA American Engineering Association Petroleum Services; aerial photography and survey; ammonium persulfate; angular position system; anode potential stabilized; applied power spectrum; aspiration of the petroleum sedimentation (system); assembly programming system; Australian Petroleum System; automatic patching system; automatic phase shifter; automatic phase synchronization; automatic picture setting; automatic plan system; automatic program control system
abbr., opt. advanced photon source
abbr., org.name. Association of Professional Staff; Automated Personnel System
abbr., physiol. Anti Phospholipid Syndrome
abbr., polym. American Petroleum Society; average particle size (фракционный состав Mus)
abbr., post Address Program Support Office (Office of Operations Support); Adjustment Processing System
abbr., scottish Adaptive Processor System (sonar); Advanced Fighter Crew Protection System; Advanced Planning System; Advanced Propulsion System; Aerial Post Squadron (USAF); Aiming & Pointing System; Aircraft Position Sensor; Aircraft Prepared for Service; Artillery Pointing System; Automatic Pointing System
abbr., sec.sys. auto polarity switching
abbr., space active pixels sensor; adaptive-processor sonar/sonobuoy; advanced polar system; antenna pointing system; astronaut positioning system; autonomous propulsion system
abbr., tech. auto priming system
abbr., therm.eng. air pressure switch (Natalya Rovina)
abbr., tradem. Advanced Photon Source
abbr., traf. Accessible Pedestrian Signal (AlexanderGerasimov)
comp. adaptive polarization shaping
ecol. accelerated photosynthetic system
energ.ind. axial power shape; aerodynamic particle sizer; after primary settling; alternate protection system; arc protection system; automatic protection system
invest. average propensity to save
mil. accessory power supply; active protection system; actual parade state; advanced personnel system; aerial port squadron; Allied publications; antenna pointing subsystem; armor-piercing shell; assistant private secretary; automatic programming system; auxiliary power supply; auxiliary propulsion system
tech. accident-prone situation; acoustical protection system; adaptive processor sonar; aft propulsion system; air breathing propulsion system; airborne pulse search radar; ammonium polysulfide; amplifier power supply; angular position sensor; arc-plasma spraying; automatic positioning system; automatic protection switch
TV automatic program search
Игорь Миг, abbr. active protection systems
Aps abbr.
abbr. ampicilline sensitive (Игорь_2006)
abbr., life.sc. Astragalus polysaccharide
abbr., med. ampicilline
lat. Apus (the Bird of Paradise, Райская Птица Vosoni)
aps abbr.
abbr. airplanes; automatic pilot system
ApS abbr.
abbr. Anpartsselskab (Denmark)