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noun | verb | to phrases
text [tekst] n
gen. رسالة نصية   ؛نص
comp., MS أرسل رسالة نصية (To send text messages from a mobile phone or device)
text [tekst] v
econ. أصل   ؛منطق   ؛متن
 English thesaurus
text [tekst] n
lit. The term refers to a single work of literature, such as a particular poem, essay, short story.
TEXT [tekst] abbr.
abbr., IT Text file
abbr., oil texture
tech. Texas Experimental Tokamak
text. abbr.
abbr. textile
text [tekst] abbr.
abbr., busin. textile
comp., MS SMS (To send text messages from a mobile phone or device)
TEXT [tekst] abbr.
abbr., el. timing extractor
text To send text messages from a mobile phone or device [tekst] abbr.
abbr., comp., MS SMS
Text [tekst] v
comp., MS text (A field data type that can contain up to 255 characters or the number of characters specified by the Fieldsize property, whichever is less)
: 92 phrases in 13 subjects
Corporate governance3
Data processing1
Food service and catering1
Name of organization1
Pest control1
United Nations2
Work flow7