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noun | verb | abbreviation | to phrases
find [faɪnd] n
gen. عثور
find [faɪnd] v
gen. عثر على   ؛وجد   ؛اجد
comp., MS يعثر (To locate or come upon through action)
econ. اكتشف   ؛لاقى   ؛أعلن الحقيقة
Find [faɪnd] v
comp., MS بحث (A UI element that enables the user to locate text, and go to other locations wherever the text occurs in a document)
 English thesaurus
find [faɪnd] n
gen. M 'to discover' we found London to be a fascinating city 8 1 (Alexander Demidov)
saying. finder keepers, losers weepers (zzaa)
FINDS abbr.
abbr., mil., avia. fault inferring nonlinear detection system
FIND [faɪnd] abbr.
abbr. Financial Information Net Directory   ؛Fiscal Impacts Of New Development
abbr., ed., scient. Filipino Intercollegiate Networking Dialogue
abbr., el. facsimile information network development
abbr., file.ext. File Interrogation of Nineteen Hundred Data   ؛Forecasting Institutional Needs for Dartmouth
abbr., med. Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics (Фонд для инновационных и новых диагностических средств (ФИНД) Andy)
abbr., mil., avia. flight information display
mil. federal item name directory
Nasdaq Findex.Com, Inc.
: 9 phrases in 6 subjects