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comp., MS Groups
gen. bevy; collection; heap
environ. pool
fin. group
law grouping
math. group; set
gen. groups
| de
gen. out of
| Acción
health. movement
| Unión Europea
 Unión Europea
econ. European Union
| Estados Unidos
 Estados Unidos
econ. United States
| encargado de
 encargado de ...
IMF. officer in charge
| desarrollar
health. growth
| e
gen. and
| instaurar
IT dat.proc. set
| una
tech. catch
| red mundial
 red mundial
transp. global network
- only individual words found

to phrases
grupo m
gen. bevy; collection; heap; cluster
bot. clump
chem. moiety; family (of elements)
coal. complex; mine complex
comp. batch; set
comp., MS group (A collection of e-mail addresses that is treated as a single recipient for e-mail distribution purposes, and that is created by and available to an individual Outlook user)
el. 12-channel group; group of 12 channels
environ. pool A small, natural body of standing water, usually fresh; e.g. a stagnant body of water in a marsh, or a still body of water within a cave
fin. group
law grouping
math. group (e.g., group often = grupo de diez); set (part of a set = parte de un grupo)
mech.eng., el. generating set
med. colony
meteorol. stand
mil., artil. battalion
patents. subclass
social.sc. social group; social status group
tech. assembly; party (de personas); unit
work.fl. thematic cluster
Grupos m
comp., MS Groups (The link to the online communities on Windows Live Groups)
polit. Groups
grupo de circuitos m
telecom. circuit group; set of circuits; trunk group
grupos m
gen. groups
math. groups (e.g., groups often = grupos de diez)
hombres grupo m
tech. team
Grupo de Acción Unión Europea-Estados Unidos encargado de desarrollar e instaurar una red mundial: 2 phrases in 1 subject
Health care2