
   French English
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econ. decision; decision
environ. decision
law adjudication
patents. order; judgement; rendering the decision; taking a decision
stat. decision making; determination
on Review of | Article
IT item
17 6 of | the
econ. tea
Agreement on | Implementation
law enforcement
of | Article
IT item
VI of | the
econ. tea
| General
gen. general
| A
gen. per
- only individual words found

to phrases
décision f
bank. decree
chem. discharge
comp. solution; resolution
econ. decision; decision EU (UE)
environ. decision Means the exercise of agency authority at any stage of an undertaking where alterations might be made in the undertaking to modify its impact upon historic and cultural properties
law adjudication
patents. order; judgement; rendering the decision; taking a decision
sport. settlement
stat. decision making; determination
telecom. step; measure
welf. verdict
 French thesaurus
décision f
mil., logist. Expression de la volonté du chef qui se concrétise par un ordre. Au contraire de la conception qui vise la manœuvre entière, la décision ne vise qu'une tranche de manœuvre et prend position sur la manœuvre possible de l'ennemi dans les limites de temps et d'espace correspondant. (FRA)
Decision on: 1 phrase in 1 subject