
   German English
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meas.inst. tera
transp. International Conference for the Technical Unity of Railways
mech.eng. construct. Field tee
| a
 празäничная толпа
gen. festive crowd
med. ampere; adenine; alanine
med. angular aperture
| penny
law, ADR BrE penny
- only individual words found

noun | noun | verb | adjective | to phrases
t n
tech. 1 long ton; t
Te n
mech.eng., construct. Field tee
TE n
transp. International Conference for the Technical Unity of Railways
T n
meas.inst. tera (prefix of units; T= 1012 units)
 German thesaurus
TN n
gen. Tunesien
abbr., automat. Terminal
T abbr.
abbr., chem. Teil
TN abbr.
abbr., quant.el. Teilnehmer; Teilnehmernummer
TN n
econ. Netztafel
mil. Tagesnorm
t abbr.
abbr., metrol. Tonne
t. abbr.
abbr., chem. Tonne zu 1000 kilogramm
tn. abbr.
abbr., el.chem. Tonne
T. abbr.
abbr., math. Tausend; Teil
tn abbr.
abbr., math. ton
railw. tarif normal
Tn abbr.
abbr., auto.ctrl. Nachstellzeit
abbr., chem. Wärmegrad der absoluten Skala
abbr., chem. Celsiusgrad
Ts n
hydrol., abbr. Schließzeit
textile Tussahseide
tE abbr.
abbr., energ.ind. Entnahmedampftemperatur
TEN abbr.
abbr., EU. Transeuropäische Netze (Евгения Ефимова)
ten a: 19 phrases in 4 subjects