
   German English
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gen. to initate; launch; start up; initiate; launch; boot a computer
IT boot
| up
social.sc. diet pills
| procedure
nucl.phys. counting and weighing
- only individual words found

noun | verb | to phrases
Start m m -(e)s, -e
gen. activation; blastoff; boot; departure; kickoff; launching; liftoff (Rakete); starting; takeoff (Flugzeug); launch; getaway
brit. off n. of a race
comp., MS Home (The default tab on the ribbon interface that provides the basic features that users need most frequently for each application); launch (To activate an application program from the operating system's user interface)
emerg.care take-off; takeoff; start
phys. start (e.g. of the engine); start point; rise (e.g. of the aircraft)
tech. start-up; take-off
starten m
commun., el. to start operation
transp. blast-off; start motor
Starten m
coal., el. kick-off
Starts m
gen. startings
stat. aircraft departures
Start v
comp. startup
econ. start event; launch (Geschoß, Rakete usw); take off
starten v
gen. to initate; launch (Rakete); start up; initiate; launch; boot a computer; blast off; power up
commun., el. to start
comp., MS launch (To activate an application program (especially on the Macintosh) from the operating system's user interface)
IT to boot
tech. activate; restart; run; take off; trigger
Starten v
med. launch
tech. activating; start; starting
startend v
gen. booting; starting up
Start- v
agric. starting
construct. ready to be put into service
Starter v
el. automatic thermoelectric switch
: 6 phrases in 3 subjects