
   German English
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anal.chem. gate
commun. gate
comp. gate
comp., MS gate
el. mixer ports; gate
| to
econ. dried; frozen; intrust; lost
- only individual words found

to phrases
Gate n
anal.chem. gate (in a field-effect transistor)
commun. gate (FET)
comp. gate (transistor)
comp., MS gate (A data structure used by 80386 and higher microprocessors to control access to privileged functions, to change data segments, or to switch tasks)
el. mixer ports; gate
industr., construct. gait
 German thesaurus
GATE abbr.
abbr., med. Gastroenterologie – Ausbildung – Training – Endoskopie (Brücke)
gate-to: 2 phrases in 1 subject