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commun. cut
IT carry; carry
law alienate
agric. tech. shifting
comp., MS ring
el. change over
transp. careen
gen. consultation
agric. concertation mechanism
all sampling | rate
transp. industr. construct. spars
- only individual words found

to phrases
overtrekken v
cultur. make a tracing; take a tracing; trace
energ.ind. stall
transp. to stall
transp., avia. stalling; loss of lift
overzetten v
commun. offsetting; recompose; reset
commun., industr. set-off; setting off
transp. to ferry across the river
overslaan v
commun. skipping
overschrijven v
comp., MS overtype (To replace existing characters with newly typed characters); overwrite (To replace the existing data with the new one); override (To prevent something from happening in a program or in an operating system. For example, a user can often override and thus abort a lengthy sorting procedure in a database program by pressing the Escape key)
overslaan v
comp., MS skip (When performing an operation over a group of items, to leave intact an item because it cannot be operated due to some or other reason. E.g. when copying a group of files, the files currently opened for writing will not be copied)
overschrijven v
health., nat.sc. transcribe, to
overslaan v
hydraul. overtop
industr., construct., met. to chatter
overschrijven v
IT overwrite
overslaan v
transp., industr., construct. trans-shipment
overleg v
gen. consultation
agric. concertation mechanism
overdragen v
commun. to cut
overnemen v
commun. take-over
overbrengen v
commun. re-homing
comp., MS transfer (To move data from one location to another)
overnemen v
econ., busin., labor.org. to underwrite
overleg v
environ. consultation Any meeting or inquiry of concerned persons or advisors for the purpose of deliberation, discussion or decision on some matter or action
overwinteren v
health. hibernation; overwintering
overnemen v
industr., construct. barring-on
overgeslagen v
industr., construct. hit-and-miss; skips-in-dressing; skips-in-planing; skips-in-surfacing
overdragen v
IT carry; to carry
overnemen v
IT, mech.eng. override
overbrengen v
IT, tech. to move; to transfer
overdragen v
law alienate
overleg v
law consultations
overwinteren v
nat.sc. to hibernate
nat.sc., agric. overwinter
overleggen van documenten v
gen. to hand in; to produce; to submit
overplaatsen v
gen. move; transfer to another post, to; transfer
overgaan v
agric., tech. shifting
comp., MS ring (A sound, vibration, visual clue, or any other indication that a call is coming in)
el. to change over
overschrijden v
fin. to overdraw
IT, el. overrun
overstappen v
transp. intermodal transfer; intramodal transfer; to change trains
overschakelen v
transp., mech.eng. to change gear; to change speed; to shift gear
overplanten v
agric. to transplant
oversteken v
agric. racking
overleggen v
arts. hand in
overdrukken v
comp., MS overprint (To print an element of one color over one of another color without removing, or knocking out, the material underneath); overprinting (The process of printing an element of one color over one of another color without removing, or knocking out, the material underneath)
overzenden v
comp., MS beam (To transfer information between mobile devices or a device and desktop computer using infrared (IR) or Bluetooth)
econ., IT, lab.law. transmit
laten overwinteren v
environ. overwintering To spend winter in a particular place; overwintering
overgekocht v
fin. overbought
overlopenvan sproeier v
industr., construct., chem. flood; flooding
overzien v
gen. to survey
overmaken v
arts. remit
overlezen v
commun. drive out
Overschrijven v
comp., MS override (A mechanism by which the default behavior of a rule, monitor, or discovery can be changed for a specific target, group, or object)
overplaatsen art. 7,1,2 v
gov. to transfer to another post
overspannen v
hydraul. span
overdraaien v
IT, dat.proc. to rerun
overvoeren v
mech.eng. overfeeding
overhalen v
transp. to careen
overlopen v
transp. to switch over to another track
over- all
: 4 phrases in 2 subjects