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gen. torta
commun. empastelamiento; empastelar; pastel
food.ind. empanada; pastel
health. pastel con relleno; pie
| editorial
gen. artículo de fondo
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noun | adjective | abbreviation | to phrases
pie [paɪ] n
food.ind. empanada f; pastel m (hojaldre relleno de carne, verduras o fruta)
IT, dat.proc. gráfico de tarta
pie [paɪ] adj.
gen. torta
commun. empastelamiento; empastelar; pastel
health. pastel con relleno; pie
 English thesaurus
PIE [paɪ] abbr.
abbr. Pacific Intercultural Exchange; Partners in Excellence; Preparation Implementation And Evaluation; Presence Identity And Edge; Price Implied Expectations; Promoting Inclusion And Enterprise; Proto Indo European; Paleontologists In Exile; Paranormal Interpol Enterprise; Parents Information Education; Partners In Evangelism; Partnership for Inclusive Education; People Inflation And Economics; Pep Initiative And Enthusiasm; Personal Interest Exploration; Persons In Evangelism; Persons Institutes Experiments; Pharynx And Intestinal Excess; Physics Is For Everyone; Pie Isnt Echo; Plan Invest Enjoy; Pledge In Earnest; Point Illustration And Explanation; Point, Illustration, Explanation; Pointers In Email; Polymorphism Inheritance Encapsulation; Positive Instructional And Encouraging; Prayer Information And Encouragement; Pressure Ice And Elevation; Problem Intervention And Evaluation; Program Implementation Experience; Project Idiocy Expulsion; Project Instruction Ecclesiastes; Proof Information And Example; Public Internet And Email; Purely Insane Extreme; Python Internet Engine; St. Petersburg International Airport, St. Petersburg, Florida USA
abbr., agric. Pulsed Irrigation Evacuation
abbr., ed. Parent Involvement And Education; Partners In Education; Prevention Intervention And Education
abbr., ed., scient. Partners for Inclusive Employment; People Institutes And Experiments
abbr., el. parallel inference engine; phase inhomogeneity effect; photo-initiated, impulse-enhanced, electrically excited laser system; photon-induced emissivity; positive ion emission; private Internet exchange; process information exchange; program interrupt entry; propagation ion etch
abbr., el., scient. Personal Interactive Electronics
abbr., health., med. Physicians Insurance Exchange
abbr., IT Process Instance Evolution; plug-in electronics
abbr., ling. Proto-Indo-European language (Bullfinch)
abbr., math., scient. Principle Of Inclusion And Exclusion
abbr., med. Postinfectious Encephalomyelitis; Preimplantation Embryo; Prosthetic Infectious Endocarditis; pulmonary infiltration with eosinophilia (the Loffler syndrome); Pulmonary Interstitial Emphysema; pulmonary infiltrates with eosinophilia (инфильтраты легких, сопровождающиеся эозинофилией Dimpassy)
abbr., media. Pose Illumination And Expression
abbr., mil. Phrases In English
abbr., mil., avia. payload integration equipment
abbr., nautic. St. Petersburg FI, U.S.A.
abbr., oncol., med. Post-Irradiation Examination
abbr., opt. photo-induced electrochromism
abbr., progr. postulated initiating event (ssn)
abbr., progr., IT Picture Information Extractor; Pocket Internet Explorer
abbr., scottish Programmable Interface Electronics
abbr., sec.sys., IT Propagation Infection And Execution
abbr., tradem. Penang Indian Entrepreneurs
abbr., transp. Pan Island Expressway
energ.ind. plasma interaction examination; probability initial event
energ.ind., abbr. postulated initiating event
meteorol. planning, international and efficiency
mil. post-irradiation examination; program for increased education; pyrotechnically initiated explosive
tech. payload integration equipment; peripheral interface element; plasma interaction experiment; postirradiation examination; postirradiation experiment; priority interrupt encoder; pulse interference elimination
PIE [paɪ] abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. polar ice extent program; Project Impact Evaluation
abbr., exhib. Product Information Exhibit (Yuriy Sokha)
abbr., med. Post-introduction Evaluation - Оценка после внедрения (Стадия внедрения новых вакцин в национальный календарь прививок Zakir)
abbr., nucl.pow. post irradiation examination (PKuntu)
abbr., oil Petrochemical Industries Enterprise; Petroleum Products Enterprises; Publications Indexed for Engineering
abbr., space parallel interface element; polyimide ester; pulse interference eliminator; pulse interval encoding
abbr., textile private import escrow
: 41 phrases in 13 subjects
Fish farming pisciculture1
Food industry1
Information technology4
International Monetary Fund2
Municipal planning1
Pharmacy and pharmacology1