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biotechn. cal; caloría
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noun | noun | adjective | adjective | to phrases
cal ['kæl] n
biotechn. cal f; caloría f
earth.sc., tech. caloría-gramo f; pequeña caloría
 English thesaurus
CAL abbr.
abbr. California; Cad Abstraction Layer; Cal Always Loses; Casual Astronomy League; Centrum Arts League; chemical analytical laboratory (eternalduck); Citizens Action League; Computer Aided Logistics; Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory; Cotton Area Lagged
abbr., afr. Center for Applied Linguistics
abbr., auto. calibrating; collision avoidance light; computer aided lighting; cancel; Computer-Aided Lighting
abbr., avia. cockpit amplifier loudspeaker (Interex); cockpit audio loudspeaker (Interex); calibrated (calibration); comparator autoland; comparator aileron; continental air lines, Inc.
abbr., biotechn. cells at the limit of in vitro age (клетки, культивируемые до предельного возраста in vitro Wakeful dormouse)
abbr., comp., net., IT Can Application Layer; Client Access License
abbr., dentist. clinical attachment level (MichaelBurov); periodontal attachment level (MichaelBurov)
abbr., dril. 4 arm caliper (MichaelBurov); FCAL (MichaelBurov); four arm caliper (MichaelBurov); four-arm caliper logging tool (MichaelBurov); oriented 4 arm caliper (MichaelBurov)
abbr., ed. Computer Aided Learning; Computer Assisted Learning; Creating A Leader
abbr., ed., scient. Center For Applied Linguistics; Chinese Academic Link; Computer Assisted Listening
abbr., el. CEBus application layer; column address latch; configurable array logic; configuration articles list
abbr., fant./sci-fi. Chaos And Light
abbr., file.ext. Computer-aided Acquisition and Logistics Support file Bitmap graphics Black & White; Spreadsheet format (SuperCalc Vosoni); Windows 3.x Calendar file; Spreadsheet (SuperCalc)
abbr., IT Cakewalk Application Language; Cray Assembly Language; Customer Access Line; Spreadsheet; computer-aided learning; computer-augmented learning; conversational algebraic language
abbr., law Confusion And Light
abbr., met. coil annealing line
abbr., mil. Center for Army Leadership; Common Application Language; critical asset list
abbr., mil., WMD central accumulator laboratory; Central CW Destruction Analytical Laboratory; chemical assessment laboratory
abbr., O&G, sakh. caliper
abbr., oil caliper log; computer analyzed log
abbr., phys., scient. Controlled Axial Lifetime
abbr., physiol., med. Chronic Airway Limitation
abbr., qual.cont. calibrate
abbr., scottish Canadian Arsenals Limited; Carbine Automatique Legere (Assault rifle (Belgium))
abbr., sport. Coalition Of Affiliated Leagues; Cyberathelete Amateur League; Cyberathlete Amateur League
abbr., st.exch. Continental Airlines, Inc.
abbr., textile computer aided layout
abbr., tradem. Chase Active Learning
mil. calculated average life; command authorization list; computer-assisted learning; confined area landing
O&G calibration mode
tech. calibrated; confirmatory action letter; continuous annealing line; corrective action letter
cal abbr.
abbr. calorie; calculation; calendar; caliber; calibration; Calibre
abbr., econ. calculated
abbr., mil. caliber CAL
cartogr. calcareous
IT calculate
O&G calcarenite; calcite; caliche; caliper survey; calorie
Cal. abbr.
abbr. kilogram-calorie; California Reports; calendar; calomel; kilogramme-calorie
abbr., earth.sc. California; large calorie
lat. Calendae ("calends")
therm.eng. kilogram calorie
Cal abbr.
abbr. California
abbr., earth.sc. calderite
abbr., med. large calorie; calomel
abbr., O&G caliper log (MichaelBurov)
geol. Calabrian (MichaelBurov)
tech. kilocalorie
cal. abbr.
abbr. caliber; calibrate
abbr., earth.sc. calcareous; calorie
abbr., libr. calendered
O&G gram-calorie
μcal abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. microcalories
CaL abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. caliper logging
Cal OSHA abbr.
abbr., OHS California Department of Industrial Relations (SAKHstasia)
CAL abbr.
abbr. Canadian Arsenals, Ltd.; Capital Airlines
abbr., chem. α-chloroacrolein
abbr., earth.sc. Central Analytic Laboratory (NADP); concentrated acid leaching
abbr., oil caliper analysis; casing anomaly locator; circumferential acoustilog; common assembly language; computer analyzed logs; continuous attenuation log; correlation caliper; differential caliper
abbr., space Canadian Astronautics; Canadian astronautics Ltd.
CALER abbr.
abbr., busin. calibration
: 6 phrases in 2 subjects
Food service and catering1