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 English thesaurus
VIES abbr.
abbr., econ. VAT information exchange System (lady-diamond)
VIE [vaɪ] abbr.
abbr. Volunteer for International Experience (HarleyQ); viscosity index extension
abbr., earth.sc. Victorian Institute of Engineers (Australia); voluntary import extension
abbr., oil vinyl isobutyl ether; viscosity index extention
VIE [vaɪ] abbr.
abbr. Very Important Employee; Vietnamese; Vision Internal External
abbr., avia. Vienna International Airport, Vienna, Austria; vectored-thrust engine
abbr., chem. vacuum insulated evaporator (Elena_S)
abbr., el. vector interrupt enable (bit); volume integral equation
abbr., file.ext. Virtual Information Environment
abbr., fin. voluntary import expansion
abbr., fishery visible implant fluorescent elastomer
abbr., polym. visual indicator equipment
abbr., st.exch. Variable Intrest Entity
abbr., tradem. Vampire Investigations And Exterminations
Vie. abbr.
abbr. Vienna
: 16 phrases in 3 subjects