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gen. faire de l'intérim; secrétaire intérimaire; travailler comme intérimaire
| de
agric. tech. de
fermeture de la | chasse
speed.skat. chassé
- only individual words found

noun | verb | noun | to phrases
temp [temp] n
gen. faire de l'intérim; secrétaire intérimaire
social.sc., lab.law., empl. travailleur intérimaire
temp [temp] v
gen. travailler comme intérimaire
 English thesaurus
TEMP [temp] abbr.
abbr. Temporary Employee Man Pathetic
abbr., meteorol. the expanded memory print program; thermal effects modeling program
abbr., mil. Test and Evaluation Master Plan
abbr., mil., avia. tactical electromagnetic program
abbr., O&G Tepмoмeтpия (Johnny Bravo)
abbr., oil Temperature Log (glenfoo); temperature log, precision
abbr., physiol., med. Temperature
abbr., scottish Test & Evaluation Master Plan
meteorol. upper-level pressure, temperature and humidity (possibly wind)
mil. tactical electromagnetic program; test and evaluation master plan
temp [temp] abbr.
abbr. temper
abbr., amer. temporary employee (We had to hire a temp to fill in for her. Val_Ships)
abbr., med. temperance; temporal
abbr., oil tempered; temporarily
temp. abbr.
abbr. temporal (Vosoni); temporary
abbr., mech.eng. templet (template)
abbr., tech. temperatur
polym. temperature
Temp. n
lat. Tempore ("in time"); Tempus ("time")
law tempore
Temp [temp] abbr.
abbr. temporary; temperature (andrushin)
TEMPS abbr.
abbr., el. transportable electromagnetic pulse simulator
abbr., mil. Transportable Electromagnetic Pulse EMP Simulator
abbr., mil., air.def. transportable electro magnetic pulse simulator
mil. transportable electromagnetic pulse simulator
temps abbr.
abbr., busin. temperatures
: 2 phrases in 2 subjects
Mechanic engineering1