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gen. chenal de fuite
coal. chem. épuration
earth.sc. décollement
environ. tri
law séparation
law sec.sys. lab.law. départ
transp. largage; distance entre deux véhicules successifs; distance entre trains; écart
| de
med. équivalent en dextrose
| domaine
gen. domaine vinicole
- only individual words found

to phrases
separation ['sepə'reɪʃ(ə)n] n
gen. chenal de fuite; séparation de synchronisation; fractionnement m
chem. séparation analytique; élimination f; sécrétion f
coal., chem. épuration f; triage m
construct. compartimentage m; cloisonnement m; délimitation f
earth.sc. décollement m
environ. tri m; séparation des masses (physique
law séparation f; disjonction f
law, sec.sys., lab.law. départ m; cessation d'emploi
ling. détachement m
med. dissociation f
med.appl. centrifugation f
nat.res. coupage m; tronçonnage m; séparation des particules du sol (of soil particles)
speed.skat. éloignement m
transp. largage m; distance entre deux véhicules successifs; distance entre trains; écart m
transp., avia. espacement m
separation of conductors ['sepə'reɪʃ(ə)n] n
PSP cloisonnement isolant entre conducteurs
séparation n
anal.chem. séparation f
separation The separation of one substance from another when they are intimately mixed. For example the removal of oil from water, or gas from oil or oil from gas, etc. ['sepə'reɪʃ(ə)n] n
environ. séparation des masses (physique)
 English thesaurus
separation ['sepə'reɪʃ(ə)n] n
avia., Canada The spacing between aircraft, altitudes, or tracks
law physical state of a married couple living apart, but not yet divorce; An arrangement where a husband and wife live apart from each other while remaining married either by mutual consent or by a judicial order
mil., abbr. sep; sepn
séparation de
: 1 phrase in 1 subject