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J [ʤeɪ] abbr.
abbr. January; Jason; Jay; Jeff; Jeffrey; Jennifer; Jerry; Jersey; Jessica; Jim; John; Jon; Joseph; Just; J-display; jack; Jacked; Jackpot Enterprises, Inc.; Jell; Jellybeans; Jerk; Jerkoff; Jew; Jitters; John Innes "L"; joint; Joker; Joules; Judicatory; Juniper; Junk; justice; Justifiably; mechanical equivalent; neutron current density; jute asphalted; number of equivalents; radiation; yellow; radiosity; The Jth
abbr., archit., scient. Joint
abbr., avia. jet; jamming; joiner
abbr., avia., amer. jet route
abbr., biotechn. joining segment
abbr., busin. Japan; journalist; judgement; July; June
abbr., chem. gram-equivalent (weight)
abbr., commer. Jamaican Dollar
abbr., earth.sc. current density; jadeite; jarosite; magnetization
abbr., econ. pound (вариант написания фунта, подобно $, в отличие от стандарта ISO babichjob)
abbr., el. jaggy; jitter; jogging; Josephson junction; junctor; justification
abbr., electric. electric current density
abbr., file.ext. JAR Compressed file archive
abbr., fin. pound (обозначение британского фунта на письме - эквивалентно перечеркнутой L; sterling denghu); pounds (sterling denghu)
abbr., IT Java; job
abbr., law Judge (In granting the anti-suit injunction in respect of the Lomé bill of lading, Burton J concluded that where the court already had jurisdiction over a defendant. / The judge, Roth J, considered it would be wholly artificial to determine where the contract was made by applying the traditional "posting" rule, dependent upon which party happened to send the fully executed document. )
abbr., math. radian
abbr., med. A Reference Point Following The QRS Complex, At The Beginning Of The ST Segment, In Electrocardiography; Juvenile; Juxtapulmonary-capillary Receptor; joule; flux (density); Jackson; Kidd blood factors
abbr., med., conv.notation. sound intensity
abbr., media. Journal; Journals
abbr., mil. Join; Joining; Jammer
abbr., O&G, sakh. pseudogeometrical factor
abbr., oil liquid junction; productivity index; jacket; Jacksonville; Jacobian; Japanese; jet circulation; jet deflection; joiner; joist; Jurassic
abbr., phys. magnetic polarization; polar moment of inertia
abbr., relig. Jewish; Joy
abbr., scottish Juliett (phonetic alphabet); joule (energy)
abbr., sport. Jack
abbr., telecom. joule
abbr., water.suppl. J Coefficient of Transmissivity tau
avia., Canada The letter used on aeronautical charts to indicate a high level airway e.g. J500.
energ.ind., abbr. jack; junction; mechanical equivalent; neutron current density; radiosity
invest. journal
invest., abbr. judge
meteorol., abbr. joint
mil. junior
mil., avia. jet
tech. gram-equivalent weight; heat transfer factor; inner quantum number; iodine; junction; junction device; mechanical equivalent of heat
j [ʤeɪ] abbr.
abbr. index (sup, sub); coefficient of rigidity
abbr., math. imaginary quantity; j-number (imaginary number)
abbr., sport. jambe
auto. jack
med. jolt
polym. joule; summation index
sport, bask. jumper
USA joint
J. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. Jaramillo; journal
abbr., libr. Japan; Japanese; juvenile
law judge; justice
j. abbr.
abbr. joule
abbr., construct. joist
abbr., econ. joint
μJ abbr.
abbr. microjoule
abbr., el. micro-henry
abbr. intensity of monochromatic radiation of wave length λ
J\# abbr.
abbr., numism. Judd Number
: 94 phrases in 29 subjects
Earth sciences8
Fishery fishing industry2
High energy physics12
Hobbies and pastimes3
Information technology3
Labor law3
Life sciences1
Medical appliances1
Nuclear physics2
Textile industry1