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chem. belle face
coal. travaux d'exploitation; chantier d'exploitation; chantier d'abattage
comp., MS police
fish.farm. côté chair
gear.tr. surface de saillie
IT social.sc. partie avant
slang gueule; tronche
| d
coal. el. antigrisouteux
| un
polit. ONU
- only individual words found

noun | verb | adjective | abbreviation | to phrases
face [feɪs] n
chem. belle face; surface f; superficie f; plan m
coal. travaux d'exploitation; chantier d'exploitation; chantier d'abattage
comp., MS police f (A set of characters that share common characteristics, such as stroke width and the presence or absence of serifs (short lines at the upper and lower edges of characters))
construct. recharger m; revêtir; usiner les abouts; tronçonner m; de chantier; de taille; de fond
fish.farm. côté chair
gear.tr. surface de saillie de dent (top, land)
grass.hock. faire face à (something)
IT, social.sc. partie avant
med. face f (expression, facies); figure f (expression, facies); faciès m (expression, facies); expression du visage (expression, facies); face d'un organe (of an organ); surface f (of an organ)
met. front de taille
mining. chantier m; front d'attaque
nucl.phys., радиоакт. face émulsionnée (of a photographic film)
slang gueule m; tronche f
speed.skat. être en face
textile laminer; stratifier
welf. visage m
радиоакт. face sensible (of a photographic film); face f (of a photographic film); partie émulsionnée (of a photographic film)
face [feɪs] v
comp. surfacer
facing ['feɪsɪŋ] v
gen. parement
agric. égobelage
commun. redressage
industr. plaquage; surfaçage
industr., construct. surface; revers; parementure
market. frontal; avancement
met. mise rapportee d extremite d electrode
met., mech.eng. lamage sur bossage
transp., construct. revêtement; dressement; masque
face [feɪs] adj.
gen. facette
agric. entaille d'abattage; muraille; paroi
agric., industr., construct. face de classement; quadrant; côté
chem. face supérieure
coal. taille
commun. oeil
industr., construct. fronton; face quelconque
IT, social.sc. face avant; partie antérieure
mech.eng. face d'attaque; face travaillante; surface d'attaque; face plane
nat.sc. surface d'un tube cathodique
tech. face; recto
tech., industr., construct. endroit
tech., mech.eng. face de coupe
transp. face vue; parement; cadran
face of a security [feɪs] adj.
fin. recto; recto d'un titre
to face [feɪs] adj.
commun., construct. coffer
 English thesaurus
face [feɪs] abbr.
abbr., mining. f.
FACE [feɪs] abbr.
abbr. Family Abuse Crisis Exchange; Fast Accredited Creative Expert; Focus Ask Comment And Employ; Federation of Associations for Hunting and Conservation of the EU (Chita); fluorophore-assisted carbohydrate electrophoresis (Гера); field artillery computing equipment
abbr., BrE field artillery computer equipment
abbr., dentist. Fluorescence-Aided Caries Excavation (iwona)
abbr., earth.sc. Florida Area Cumulus Experiment; Federation of Associations on the Canadian Environment
abbr., ecol. free-air CO₂ enrichment
abbr., ed. Family And Child Education
abbr., ed., scient. Fine Arts Core Education
abbr., el. flash array contactless EPROM
abbr., file.ext. Bitmap graphics (UNIX Faceserver image file, Usenix FACE)
abbr., IT Bitmap graphics; field alterable control element
abbr., law Fire Awareness Child Education
abbr., med. Fellow of the American College of Epidemiology
abbr., mil. Forward Aviation Combat Engineering; forward aviation combat engineering; Future Airborne Capability Environment
abbr., relig. Faith And Cultural Exchange
abbr., school Family and Community Engagement (BabaikaFromPechka)
abbr., scottish Field Artillery Computing Equipment (UK)
abbr., tradem. Fast Accredited Creative Experts
abbr., transp. Fatality Assessment And Control Evaluation
mil., abbr. facilities and communications evaluation
tech., abbr. face advance control equipment; fault coverage estimation; forward area collection and ECM
tech., mil., avia. field-alterable control element
face d
: 1 phrase in 1 subject