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comp., MS BAA
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polit. agric. tech. are; a
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BAC [bæk] abbr.
comp., MS BAA (The original project, resource, and assignment cost as shown in the baseline plan. The baseline cost is a snapshot of the cost at the time when the baseline plan was saved)
bac [bæk] abbr.
tech. bassin
 English thesaurus
BAC [bæk] abbr.
abbr. Bay Area Council; Brandon Augustus Caesar; Breath Analyzer Coordinator; Budgeted At Completion; Business Achievement Club; benzalkonium chloride (фарм. (бензалкония хлорид) aksolotle); Boeing Aircraft Company; British Accreditation Council for Independent Further and Higher Education (ABelonogov); British Aerospace Corporation; British Air Commission; British Aircraft Corporation; British Aircraft Corporation III; British Association of Counselling (Anglophile); Broad Area Coverage; Budget Activity Code; Budget Advisory Committee; Bell Aircraft Corp.; Bendix Aviation Corp.; Boeing Airplane Co.; British Aircraft Co.
abbr., auto. bypass air control valve; blood alcohol concentration (встречается в водительских удостоверениях Tiny Tony); blood alcohol contentlevel; by-pass air control
abbr., avia. back course; Boeing airplane company; bus adapter control; Boeing process specification; Bell Aircraft Corporation; Boeing Aircraft Airplane Corporation; Boeing assigned color; Boeing company standard; Boeing standards; booster assembly and checkout; booster assembly and contractor; British Automatic Company
abbr., biotechn. Bacterial artificial chromosome (Altuntash); bacterial artificial chromosome
abbr., brew. Brewer's Association of Canada (Канадская ассоциация производителей пива baletnica)
abbr., busin. billing and accounting computer
abbr., chem. butyl acetate
abbr., comp., net. balanced asynchronous class
abbr., earth.sc. Background Analysis Center; basic aluminum chloride; British Atlantic Committee
abbr., EBRD Business Advisory Council
abbr., ed. Breath Alcohol Concentration
abbr., el. balanced asynchronous control; binary-analog correlator; binary-to-analog conversion; binary-to-analog converter; block-acknowledged counter; broad-area contact (structure); bus assist chip
abbr., energ.ind. boric acid concentrator (MichaelBurov); acid concentrator (MichaelBurov)
abbr., expl. battle area clearance
abbr., fishery boat activity coefficient
abbr., footb. Baltimore Colts
abbr., foreig.aff. Baltic Sea Business Advisory Council; Budget and Administrative Committee
abbr., immunol. bacterial antigen complex
abbr., IT Backup; binary asymmetric channel; binary-analog conversion
abbr., lab.eq. Bile Acid Concentration
abbr., med. Bacterial Adherent Colony; Bacterial Antigen Complex; Bacterial Artificial Chromosome; Blood Alcohol Concentration; Blood Alcohol Content; British Association Of Chemists; Bronchoalveolar Carcinoma; Bronchoalveolar Cells; Bacillus; blood alcohol concentration; Bronchioloalveolar cancer (Баян); Bronchioloalveolar carcinoma (Баян); buccoaxiocervical
abbr., mil. Base Area Code; Basic Airborne Course; Budget At Completion
abbr., mil., air.def. bistatic alarm and command
abbr., mil., WMD Budget at completion
abbr., O&G, sakh. Business Assurance Committee
abbr., oil buffer address counter; butyl acrylate
abbr., physiol. blood alcohol content
abbr., polit. business advisory council (MichaelBurov)
abbr., polym. British Association of Chemists
abbr., scottish Barometric Altitude Control
abbr., space binary-analog converter; Bell Aerospace Corporation; binary automatic computer; Boeing Aerospace Company; British Aerospace Company
abbr., sport. Beaches Aquatic Club
abbr., st.exch. BankAmerica Corporation
abbr., tradem. Bourn Again Creations
abbr., water.suppl. Biological Activated Carbon Process
abbr., winemak. blood alcohol concentration (концентрация алкоголя в крови (мг/мл) baletnica)
ecol. biological activated carbon
energ.ind. boiler as calorimeter; bus accessory compartment
mil. base area commandant; battle assessment calculator; bistatic alerting and cueing
tech. binary analog conversion; boric acid concentrator; buffer address counting
bac. abbr.
abbr. bacillus; bacteria; bacterial; bacteriology; bacteriological; bacteriologist
bac [bæk] abbr.
abbr. bacillus; bacteria; bacteriological; bacteriology
BAc [bæk] abbr.
abbr., org.chem. benzoic acid (igisheva)
med. Bachelor of Acupuncture (Бакалавр акупунктуры - одна из медицинских степеней в Великобритании Uncrowned king)
Bac [bæk] abbr.
abbr., oil bacterial
: 6 phrases in 3 subjects