gen. |
Die Bewerberländer Türkei, ehemalige jugoslawische Republik Mazedonien*, Montenegro*, Island+ und Serbien*, die Länder des Stabilisierungs- und Assoziierungsprozesses und potenziellen Bewerberländer Albanien und Bosnien und Herzegowina sowie die dem Europäischen Wirtschaftsraum angehörenden EFTA-Länder Liechtenstein und Norwegen sowie die Ukraine, die Republik Moldau, Armenien, Aserbaidschan und Georgien schließen sich dieser Erklärung an.brbr*Die ehemalige jugoslawische Republik Mazedonien, Montenegro und Serbien nehmen weiterhin am Stabilisierungs- und Assoziierungsprozess teil.brbr+ Island ist weiterhin Mitglied der EFTA und des Europäischen Wirtschaftsraums. |
industr., construct. |
Agnella m |
fish.farm. |
Rollangelfischer m; Schleppleinenfischer m |
abbr. |
lieutenant |
environ., nat.res. |
In-situ-Erhaltung |
med. |
In-vitro-Diagnostikum |
min.prod. |
Ex-situ-Erhaltung |
obs., med. |
Produkt für die In-vitro-Diagnose |
English thesaurus |
EU. |
I> ex-situ< /i> i> br> |
min.prod. |
< |
abbr. |
language translation; left tackle; light; limit; logic theory; long ton; low temperature; low tension |
abbr., med. |
lung-tissue |
agric. |
lint |
abbr. |
Leadership Team; Life Teen; Lithuanian; Local Time; Looney Tune; Lake Terminal Railroad Company; Lake Tomahawk; Landscape Technician; Lap Time; laundry tray; Lead Trainer; Legal Terms (http://www.justice.gov.uk/guidance/courts-and-tribunals/courts/glossary-of-terms---legal/ Alexander Demidov); Leroy Thompson; Leyland Transmission; Light And Tough; Light Table 2 Light; Light Touring; light trap; Link Trailer; Little Tash; Little Terror; Little Tony; Little Tracey; Logical Terminal (IBM); long term (Ася Кудрявцева); Losing Teeth; Luxury Tourer; Long Ton; Low Tension; Lower Tribunal (proz.com вк); leading telegraphist; lethal time; line transmitter; low target; leukotrience; Lisbon Treaty |
abbr., adv. |
last telecast |
abbr., agric. |
laryngotracheitis |
abbr., AI. |
Logic Theorist |
abbr., AmE |
Living Together (Anglophile) |
abbr., auto. |
leading trailing shoe brake; light; light truck; long term; low hysteresis thread; low temperature; low tension; light-truck |
abbr., avia. |
layout template; litre; level trigger; laser technique; laser telemeter; laser tracer; lathe tuning; leakage test; loading test; lot time; teleindicator |
abbr., avia., med. |
laterotorsion; long-term |
abbr., biol. |
labile to temperature |
abbr., busin. |
landed terms; Laplace transformation; Letter of Trust; transportation |
abbr., chem. |
leukotriene; lithium tantalate crystal |
abbr., commer. |
long ton; Liverpool terms |
abbr., comp., net. |
laptop |
abbr., earth.sc. |
labrador trough; lag-time; lateritic terraces; local time-step; low-alumina tholeiite; lower tertiary rocks; lower torridonian; Lower Triassic Rocks; Turkish Lira |
abbr., ed. |
Learning And Teaching |
abbr., el. |
lower tester; laminated teflon; language translator; Laplace translation; laser trimming; lateral transistor; leading technology; library tape; light transmitter; light-triggered (SIT); line terminal; link transfer; link transmitter; lithium tantalate; local telephone; logic tree; loop test; loop transmission; low substrate temperature |
abbr., el., scient. |
Lower Threshold |
abbr., energ.ind. |
low-tension (Yuriy83) |
abbr., exhib. |
long twin |
abbr., insur. |
Tropical timber load line |
abbr., IT |
Less Than; Line Termination; Load Test; line terminator; less then |
abbr., law |
Learn The Truth |
abbr., life.sc. |
leukotriene |
abbr., Makarov. |
less than |
abbr., med. |
leucotriene; Lantern Test - Shine A Torch In The Subject's Mouth And The Eyes Light Up (no Brain); level lower tertile (level); lymphocyte transfer reaction; lymphocyte transformation; tuberculoid leprosy; lag time (iwona) |
abbr., med., lat. |
limes tod toxin |
abbr., met. |
lead time (Киселев) |
abbr., mil. |
Leadership Training; Leuitenant, United States Navy; Light; Long Term; Laptop; Line Telecommunications; Look-Through; local terminal |
abbr., mil., air.def. |
lamp test |
abbr., mil., avia. |
laboratory test |
abbr., mol.biol. |
lymphotoxin (igisheva) |
abbr., nautic. |
Liner Terms |
abbr., O&G |
leak testing (carp) |
abbr., O&G, casp. |
leadership team (Yeldar Azanbayev) |
abbr., oil |
lost or loose compacts or teeth; lost teeth (andrushin); lower tubing; light terminal; light wall (of pipe); line telephone; long interval timer; long tons; low tide; Lower Tertiary; lower Triassic; Lower Tuscaloosa; lug terminal |
abbr., oil.proc. |
level transmitter (Alexey Lebedev) |
abbr., ophtalm. |
laser trabeculoplasty (лазерная трабекулопластика doc090) |
abbr., org.name. |
Lloyd Marittima S.P.A. |
abbr., physiol. |
Left Tit |
abbr., physiol., med. |
Lactate Threshold; Left |
abbr., piez. |
LT; tantalate de lithium; Lithiumtantalat; tantalato di litio; tantalan litu |
abbr., polit. |
Lithuania; Lesotho |
abbr., polym. |
low-temperature |
abbr., progr. |
logical terminal (ssn) |
abbr., qual.cont. |
longterm |
abbr., scient. |
Landsat Thematic; Learning Technologies |
abbr., scottish |
Laser Transmitter; Light Transportable |
abbr., shipb. |
letter telegram |
abbr., space |
lander tankers |
abbr., sport. |
LaDainian Tomlinson; Lawrence Taylor |
abbr., tech. |
listening time; low torque |
abbr., tradem. |
Lucent Technologies |
abbr., transp. |
Fixed Light; Left Turn; Light Truck |
abbr., virol. |
labile toxin |
comp. |
line termination; local tandem |
mil. |
laboratory test; land transportation; landing team; large tug; launch tube; launcher test; lead time; legal training; letter telegram; liaison technician; light tank; line telegraphy; line telephony |
O&G |
lighting |
tech. |
Laplace transform; leak testing; left telephone; letter; life test; logical track; long time |
abbr. |
lieutenant |
abbr., anim.husb. |
left |
abbr., med. |
light |
abbr., sport. |
left tackle |
energ.ind. |
fin spacing |
abbr., genet. |
tibial loop |